Для вашей информации о сиротах в США

Dec 27, 2012 08:17

Millions of children, in the United States, are living without parents. The
number of parentless children has increased from 3.7 percent in 1980
to 4.1 percent today.

In any given year, there were nearly 800,000
children in substitute care with up to 514,000 children served through
the child welfare system.
Today, 513,000 are living in out of home (or substitute) care in foster
homes, kinship care, and residential congregate care (includes
children’s homes, residential education) and residential treatment
centers. Substitute care is often referred to as foster care in the United
States. One hundred fourteen thousand (114,000) children are waiting
to be adopted and another 66,000 children have had parental rights
terminated this year. Approximately 35 percent of the children in
substitute care are orphans eligible for or awaiting adoption. Most
children enter substitute care due to abuse or neglect. Slightly less than
1/5 enter due to parental death, absence or termination of parental
rights. In addition, over two million children have lost the care of a
parent and are living in informal kinship care but have not entered a
governmental system or agency


Если коротко, в Америке полмиллиона детей в детских домах, 114 тысяч ждут усыновления и еще 66 тысяч взяты у родителей, которых лишили родительских прав. Спрашивается, зачем ехать в Россию и кого-то усыновлять, если прямо здесь и сейчас сотни тысяч детей ждут усыновления? Если дело не в боязни проблем, раз усыновляют инвалидов, то в чем дело? Наводит на разные мысли - от расизма до того, что усыновители не подходят под критерии, а в России все это не важно.

Америка, дети

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