Title: Defiance
Challenge: [261] Disobey
Word Count: 240
Notes: So there I was, wondering what to write about this week, when DiZ wandered in and was all like "ME!". In capitals. Because he's demanding like that.
What greeted him instead was nothing. )
Comments 7
(Also, reading your notes gave me a mental image of DiZ just strolling into your living room. Just saying.)
(This is in fact exactly what happened, except it was a living room in my head and for some reason he sounded a bit like the giant brain in that episode of Futurama... XD)
(I just keep thinking Hide yo' Heartless, hide yo' Nobodies for some reason. \O_o/)
I love this drabble - it was a very clever twist at the end and I totally wasn't expecting it. Great job! ♥
And thanks! Once it occurred to me that maybe Ienzo has a few things in common with the younger Nobodies, I had to write it. Mostly because if I hadn't agreed with Diz, he might have sent creepy child!Ienzo after me.
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