Know what's great?

Sep 06, 2009 23:22

Meeting friends from LiveJournal in real life and finding out that you like them even more in person. Today, I drove to Alexandria, Virginia for Kristy Dempsey's book signing of her picture book, Me With You at the marvelous new children's book store, Hooray for Books!, located on King Street. Not only did I get to meet Kristy, but I also met jamarattigan, annemariepaceRead more... )

book signings, dempsey

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Comments 20

ex_lgburns September 7 2009, 12:01:24 UTC
You lucky duck! So glad you had fun with the girls; I am not at all surprised. They ARE delicious company!


kellyrfineman September 7 2009, 16:05:18 UTC
It was a great day!


forward_rewind September 7 2009, 12:40:43 UTC
......everyone must feel so......3D!


kellyrfineman September 7 2009, 16:05:31 UTC


annemariepace September 7 2009, 12:44:02 UTC
I was so happy to meet you, Kelly!


kellyrfineman September 7 2009, 16:05:48 UTC
I was so happy to meet you, Anne Marie!


jamarattigan September 7 2009, 14:31:26 UTC
You are adorable!! (my first thought upon seeing and talking with you). But don't let it get to your head -- you're still "abnormal," in the best way, of course!!

It was fabulous of you to drive all the way from NJ. It really was great meeting you, Anne Marie, Moira, Kathy, and Kristy for the first time. :)


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kellyrfineman September 7 2009, 16:06:50 UTC
Off to read other people's blogs!


kellyrfineman September 7 2009, 16:06:27 UTC
I missed out on meeting Moira. Ah well. It was lovely to meet you in person, Jama!!


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kellyrfineman September 7 2009, 19:50:12 UTC
It is indeed - as you know first-hand from some of your get-togethers with the West Coasters I don't get to see!


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kellyrfineman September 8 2009, 03:48:10 UTC
I don't see many near me, either. After all, I drove over 2-1/2 hours to get there. And Anne Marie and Kathy came in from about 2 hours away as well - it would take me 5 hours to get to AM's house, I think.


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