Title: "Blue Christmas"
kel_fishFandom: Heroes
Characters: Nathan/Peter, OC/Peter
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Heroes is owned by NBC, Kring, and others who aren't I.
Author's note: This is my first Heroes fic, y'all!
Summary: Nathan doesn't approve of Peter's Christmas present.
It was the most beautiful thing Nathan had ever seen... )
Comments 4
Less than a month until the Heroes premiere and we get to see a shirtless, short-haired Peter and an eerily-bearded Nathan! The cool thing is that the season two premiere airs on my birthday! Kickass! It's like NBC is giving me my best birthday present ever, and I get to read your latest Nathan/Peter installment soon, too! Yay!
He knew the desperation for just a few stolen moments to make Peter writhe with need; had he not had such moments in his dreams?
I actually don't know what to think about this one. I was more nervous about writing Nathan than just writing Heroes alone; his character is so complex that I had to keep this story short so I wouldn't mess him up.
Thank you. *grins* I would have deleted this if I hadn't wanted something to look back on and almost-cringe at. lol
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