Backdated to before BIG CRACK OF DOOM

Oct 05, 2011 17:22

Who: missmimmi and knife_envy {CLOSED}
When: September 30? idk
Where: Great Hall

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mimmi kopanski, logan/wolverine

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knife_envy October 5 2011, 21:33:59 UTC
[Logan actually wasn't interested in sticking around. Just grab his grub and get the hell out of dodge. He didn't take the care Mimmi had to prepare for his arrival in the great hall.

As a matter of fact, that sweat suit he's got on is pretty wrinkled. Because the clothes here are stupid. Who cares if they're free?

He strolls into the great hall, looking none too friendly. Mimmi he's gonna glance at you while he's walking by. 'Sup bb.]


missmimmi October 6 2011, 03:27:38 UTC
[Mimmi laughs weakly.]

I suppose I do not want others to end up as I am. And besides, I am not the one complaining.


knife_envy October 6 2011, 03:41:40 UTC
Well. No sense in the both of us being lonely.

[Is he suggesting what I think he's suggesting?]


missmimmi October 6 2011, 21:00:38 UTC
[Quite possibly.]

I agree. Loneliness is never very fun.


knife_envy October 6 2011, 21:17:27 UTC
So, if you don't have anything to do and I don't have anything to do...

[Are you getting where he's going with this, Mimmi?]


missmimmi October 6 2011, 21:26:16 UTC
[Unfortunately, she really isn't. Mimmi has had zero experience with these things, not counting Jinx and Oghren. And they weren't very subtle about it.

So it's just kind of flying over her head right now. 8'D]

We... should find something to do together?


knife_envy October 6 2011, 21:46:20 UTC
And we have a winner.


missmimmi October 6 2011, 21:51:40 UTC

Ah! Well, what do you have in mind?


knife_envy October 6 2011, 22:01:53 UTC
[Logan shrugs. Wtf do you do in a medieval keep?]

Dunno. You seen the rest of the keep?


missmimmi October 6 2011, 22:05:53 UTC
Not necessarily, no. I have not visited most of the towers.


knife_envy October 6 2011, 22:09:48 UTC
Sounds like something to do to me.


missmimmi October 6 2011, 22:12:42 UTC
That is what we will do, then. After dinner, of course. Since you dropped yours all over the floor.


knife_envy October 6 2011, 22:46:13 UTC
[Oooh right.]

Fine. Lemme go grab another plate.


missmimmi October 6 2011, 23:08:12 UTC
Alright. Do not spill it this time!


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