You know you're from Indiana if...

Jul 27, 2010 08:51

1.) Go to google and type in "You know you're from [your state] when..."
2.) Cut and paste the list
3.) Bold or italicize items that apply to you.
My addition: 4.) Underline the ones in which someone seems to have gotten your Midwestern state confused with a Southern one or otherwise assumes your ENTIRE STATE is rural.

Sorry, it's another meme )

indiana, meme

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Comments 10

urbunnie July 27 2010, 13:01:03 UTC
We called it "pop" up in "the region" in the '80s and early '90s. In the late '90s, we started calling it soda more often.


kay_brooke July 27 2010, 15:57:43 UTC
Hmm. Maybe it's changed over time?


nidoking July 27 2010, 13:34:40 UTC
I'd never heard it called "pop" so much before I moved to Indiana, and that's what almost everyone I know here calls it. As for the farm implements driving on the highways like they probably do on the farm, that's actually pretty typical as soon as you get outside the cities. I don't really "think nothing of" them, though. I get pissed off and occasionally pass outside passing zones if it looks safe. Not hard to pass those things when they're almost standing still.


kay_brooke July 27 2010, 16:02:47 UTC
I've lived in Indiana my whole life and the only person I know who regularly says "pop" is my grandmother, who lived most of her life in Tennessee. So I associate it with the South. Most people I know say "soda pop," or more often will either use "coke" to refer to all soft drinks, or just name the specific drink ("I'll have a Sprite").

I haven't often seen farm implements driving on actual highways, except for maybe a few hundred feet to get to the other end of a field. Mostly you find them on the county roads, which is why I try to avoid those roads when I'm driving. :) I also get really angry if I get stuck behind one, so "think nothing of" isn't in any way accurate.


blood_of_winter July 27 2010, 14:42:27 UTC
wait, you dont all wake up with hay in your hair??? just like we all sound like joey bag o donuts over here...*ahem*

I actually had a friend who went corning :)


kay_brooke July 27 2010, 16:04:11 UTC
...I don't even know what corning is.

I probably took this whole meme way too seriously, but it kind of makes me mad when it's just assumed that all of Indiana is some giant farm stuck in the 1950s.


sg_wonderland July 27 2010, 22:15:04 UTC
Well, if 'corning' there in IN means the same thing it does here in KY, it is done around Halloween. You hide by the side of the road and throw shelled corn at cars as they doesn't sound like as much fun when you see it written down...


kay_brooke July 28 2010, 12:37:01 UTC
Oh wow, I've for real never heard of that. All we did around Halloween as kids was egg and TP people's houses. :/


anonymous July 28 2010, 05:12:54 UTC
I don't think "coon" is a southern word for raccoon. I once told a hilarious story about a raccoon to a bunch of folks in the south, and they stared at me in horror, which was when I found out that to them "coon" is a horrible racial slur, not a cute furry animal.


kay_brooke July 28 2010, 12:35:47 UTC
Well, it's certainly not a Midwestern word, either. At least not one I've come across on a regular basis. Mostly I marked that one the way I did because it seemed a very "country" word and it went along with the whole "all of Indiana is rural" problem the list has. No one who grew up in cities in Indiana says that word, is maybe what I should say. Thus it's not any kind of indicator that one is from Indiana, just that one is from a rural area, perhaps.

And I'm really taking this meme too seriously.


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