Title: Remus Lupin and the Case of the Missing Blue Argyle Sweater
Summary: He
couldn’t remember what had brought him to do it for the first time but
now he found it hard to get off without some of Remus’ clothing.
Rating: R-ish
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Authors Notes:Complete fluff. Also unbeta'd so let me know if you find anything
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Comments 7
haha, sweater vests are hot too, don't kid yourself :D
teehee, it's certainly nice to get so many reviews in my inbox *G*
His brown corduroy trouser leg was riding up revealing a brown argyle sock covering his slim ankle. Sirius near salivated at the sight.
Dear god.
“Yes,” Sirius answered. “I enjoy the wearer. Greatly.”
Sirius nodded and watched silently as Remus slid the book quickly under his bed and then without taking his eyes off Sirius, lifted the hem of his sweater and pulled it over his head revealing a rumpled white oxford shirt underneath.
Fucking yes.
guh, oh argyle!Remus. I do still love that image of Remus whipping off his sweater. I'm glad you did too *G*
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