"Long Distance Calling Plan" White Collar RPF drabble Matt/Simon Rating-PG

May 06, 2011 16:32

Title: Long Distance Calling Plan
Fandom: White Collar RPF
Pairing: Matt/Simon
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 126.mmom Day 6. Prompt from photoash: WC RPF - Matt/Simon - long distance. Awesome insta-beta by hllangel.
Summary: The two calls that make Matt's day.

The first call always hurts.

Matt makes it when he gets a few free minutes during shooting. It’s for the kids; to let them know that Daddy loves and misses them very much. It makes him wonder if getting the role of a lifetime is worth the separation.

Matt really looks forward to the second call.

He makes it hours later, including vivid descriptions of what they’d like to be doing to each other, along with the occasional shared fantasy of what Matt wants to do to a certain co-star while Simon watches.

The second call is just for them.

rps, white collar, drabble-a-day 2011, fanfic, slash, rpf, drabble

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