I´ve just read the news in some japanese blogs, but it seems that in this week The Television it was announced that Okura and Yasu would be the main roles of a new NHK drama "ROMES/ Kuukou Bougyou system" based on the novel "ROMES 06" written by Akira Goujou. The story is about a super modern computer?system?? that can find/fight terrorist. And it seems Okura´s role would be the leader of the team wich can operate this system, Yasu´s role is still unknown...
This is the book:
http://www.amazon.co.jp/ROMES06-%E4%BA%94%E6%A2%9D-%E7%91%9B/dp/4198622396/ref=pd_sim_b_3 It´s nothig official yet, but ... the hair change in the Osaka lives....
It really seems to be oficial
sanspo article :
http://www.sanspo.com/geino/news/090804/gng0908040504000-n1.htm translation (by enshige):
http://enshinge.livejournal.com/285291.html#cutid1 NHK hp:
http://www.nhk.or.jp/dramatopics-blog/5000/24119.html Thank you very much tomo 8 1 for your links and enshige for the translation!!!