I was reading The Daily today and saw the advertisement "how'd you get here" which is meant to inform us of which advertising scheme worked in attracting us to Prov. This led me to think of my story, why I came to Prov. It all began back in grade eleven when my band teacher came into Gimli Video, and saw me watching Zoolander, (for probably the
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Comments 10
Give me a call sometime, or come visit. Maybe you just need a bit of a "Prov break". haha...
When I get down, I try to switch onto the 'automatic pilot' of spirituality: kindness and love. I find - at times when I'm confused or spiritually struggling - that to just find ways of showing a few people love and kindness not only blesses them (hopefully) but reminds me of the reality of spirituality... and the precious reality at the heart of our being and how we can live.
To me, Jesus conveys the summing up of religion in loving and kindness.
Then, when I recall this, I think how much I'd tied myself up with thinking, when all the time, Godde waits for us to open our hearts to the simple flow of love.
Richard (S)
I must say though, that the more I read your blog I find myself thinking that we agree on many points, I think I could say pretty much all of the points you make. I want to one day type a full letter of my beliefs, but now that I am currently a resident assistant at a Christian college, I feel that I cannot come against what the school says it believes, especially since I do not keep my entries to "friends only" and anyone has access to read my account. So, maybe in the summer I will be able to write my own statement of faith.
As an aside, my school is putting on a lecture about losing one's faith in a christian college, Ironically it is in the professor-who-is-giving-the lecture's class that my faith began taking many hits.
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