Jul 06, 2016 10:38

Prompt Code: D11
Title: First Class Flights

Everything was now back to how it was before.

From early morning ‘til late night, Kyungsoo spends most of his time working in the office to attend meetings or sit his butt all day and go through unending piles of paper.

Even before becoming CEO, he had already expected this manner of lifestyle. It was honestly exhausting and things may get a little harder at times but everything he does was for the betterment of the company and all of its employees who at the same time, also works as hard.

There were times when things don’t go so well that Kyungsoo has to patch things up himself and sometimes it was unavoidable to get angry and demanding, only causing him to get even more headaches than he probably deserved.

It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon and Kyungsoo was focused on signing newly sent documents when he sees something peering from inside the slightly opened drawer below his office table.

His body freezes into a halt and after staring at it for a second, Kyungsoo immediately pushes the drawer shut and gets back to his work, pen awkwardly gliding across the papers.

He continues to sign but the object inside seemed to be pulling him like a magnet, as if it was calling him to take it out of the drawer. Whenever he tries to concentrate harder, it only yanks away his concentration twice as much. And it was bringing him nowhere.

Kyungsoo exhales loudly as he pulls back on his chair just a little bit, hand hesitating before he tugs the drawer open and slowly takes out Jongin’s cap. He leans back on his chair and ogles at it, unknowingly smiling with the thoughts that came with one simple object.

Distracted, Kyungsoo deliberately runs his thumb across the thick strap lined permanently around it, hands moving smoothly against the symbols and stars pinned on the material. Questions came into his mind like how Jongin first performed as pilot, and how long he had thrived to become what he was now.

“Kyungsoo! It’s wonderful to see you again!” A booming voice echoes across the room and Kyungsoo jerks up in alarm, stuttering as he hastily drops the cap back into the drawer and shutting it close with his knee.

“C-Chanyeol, this is-quite a surprise.”

Chanyeol takes a seat on the chair across his table, pinning him down with an intriguing look. “What was that you were staring at so affectionately?” he inquires, round eyes narrowed into thin slits.

“Noth-nothing important.”

“Kyungsoo you’re stuttering, I know that isn’t just nothing."

The CEO pulls himself together as he glares back with warning in his eyes and Chanyeol laughs, rolling his eyes overdramatically.

“Okay okay I’m not going to butt in your romantic business I’m sorry.”

They haven’t seen each other after Kyungsoo’s trip to Guangzhou more than a month ago and Chanyeol chatters endlessly about his work and the little weekend getaway he took with his parents. Kyungsoo listens attentively and once in a while shares a comment about it.

“How about you, how was Guangzhou?” Chanyeol asks animatedly and Kyungsoo shrugs his shoulders offhandedly.

“It was alright I guess,” he chuckles. “I’ve still been working except that I’m in my office in a different country, and the best part was I had much longer hours of break. Fun, right?”

Chanyeol snorts as he props up his elbows against Kyungsoo’s desk, tilting his head on one side. “I bet there was more to it than just work, Soo. You’re aura’s practically glowing.”

“What do you mean?” Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow.

Crossing his legs and folding his hands above the knob of his knees, Chanyeol winks suggestively. “So did you already get it on with Jongin?”

“Park Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo exclaims loudly, nearly slamming his fist against the glass of his tabletop, “Stop saying such nonsensical things I don’t even think he-“

“Likes you?” Chanyeol finishes for him, amused. “Pretty much I think that would be Jongin’s line.”

Kyungsoo stammers to a stop, voice blocked behind his lips before he grows into complete silence.

To ease the now awkward situation, Chanyeol clears his throat forcefully before standing up and brushing the invisible dust off his suit. “Well, I’ve got get going. Mind if I borrow Baekhyun for a while?”

If there was one thing Kyungsoo couldn’t stand besides Jongin’s cheeky lines, it would be to get held up in traffic and have to endure back and bottom ache for hours in the car. And if Kyungsoo were to be completely honest with himself the first one was a whole lot better.

Thankfully Mr. Jung was available to drive for him today so he was able to move easily at the backseat with his PA who had his tablet powered in one hand.

“Mr. Do should we go through your schedule today?”

“Yeah,” Kyungsoo sighs sleepily as he leans his head against the window of his car, watching as the busy horde of vehicles move gradually from time to time. He was lucky he didn’t have to attend an early business meeting this morning.

Baekhyun begins to talk, enumerating every listed agenda in detail. His PA was a little too systemized but nevertheless Kyungsoo was grateful for making all of this a lot easier.

He was mindlessly zoning out in his own little world when a few words catch his full attention. He profusely squints his eyes. “Can you repeat that please?”

“Ah, at 9 A.M. you have brunch with the president of-“

“No not that, the last one.”

Baekhyun shifts timidly on the car seat before quickly realizing his mistake and grinning sheepishly. “Mr. Wu was asking if you could come to the opening of their new market in Tokyo next week.”

Joy strangely buries Kyungsoo’s clouded personality as the CEO grins childishly out of nowhere because travelling meant using his jet and using said aircraft would mean he would had the chance to see-

“Sir are you okay?” Baekhyun looks at him frantically, worried that his superior might have a bit of loose screws and Kyungsoo could only manage a cough, chuckling awkwardly.

“Y-Yeah, um please tell the chairman that I’ll be there. And advice the aircrew to make advance preparations for the jet next week.”

Baekhyun nods as he quickly reverts his thoughts to the tablet and promptly types on his memo to not miss a single thing and keep the CEO’s schedule on track.

Leaning his head back against the plush seat, Kyungsoo couldn’t resist a smile from curling across his face as he takes a mental note to pack Jongin’s cap along in his suitcase.

Next week came pretty slow and suddenly the eagerness and excitement Kyungsoo had been feeling for the past few days has entirely drowned to the drain. He didn’t expect it to be this nerve-wrecking on spot and his knees were wobbly as he walks through the jet bridge to board the aircraft.

Jongin didn’t show up before the flight and Kyungsoo’s palms were sweating in restlessness, stomach churning as the plane descends into the night sky. He’s only heard the pilot make a short pre-flight announcement and then that was it, nothing else which caused a small part of Kyungsoo to crumble.

Baekhyun was humming to a famous girl group song when the seatbelt sign lights off, indicating that the plane was already stable. And without delay, Kyungsoo unlocks the seatbelt strapped across his upper body before heading to the restroom.

He rolls his sleeves up and flicks the faucet on, cool water splashing out and Kyungsoo sighs in relief when the quivering of his fingers start to stop. He dries his hands with a clean handkerchief before pressing them against his swollen cheeks to dampen down the heat.

Kyungsoo pushes the door open before shrieking loudly when someone gets a hold of his arms and pushes him back into the cramped area. Everything was too fast to fully comprehend and the next thing he knew was that he was pressed back against the door and Jongin’s hand covering his mouth.

His eyes widen as it meets with Jongin’s and the latter grins down at him. Their chests were almost touching and this was definitely the closest they’ve ever been.

As soon as Jongin makes sure that Kyungsoo wasn’t going to burst out, he puts his hand down, unfortunately as much as he didn’t want to stop feeling soft lips against his palm. He doesn’t take a step back but instead keeps the little space in between them.

Out of impulsive urge, Jongin silently brushes his thumb over the outline of Kyungsoo’s thick lips, gently pulling his lower lip down before it slightly bounces back up with a soft pop.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me yet?”

“Can I?”

It was Kyungsoo who leans in first, tipping his toes up and Jongin’s meets his lips halfway in a breathtaking kiss, sending them both into a whole new puddle of fervent emotions. His arms find its way around Jongin’s shoulders as he clutches tightly on the latter’s once pressed uniform to pull him closer, Kyungsoo’s lungs burning as their lips move eagerly together.

He wonders how long he’s stopped pushing Jongin away and realize how he actually feels a lot more differently about him, making a small noise at the back of his throat when Jongin runs a hand through the back of his head soothingly, hand deliberately moving down to press on his nape.

“You don’t,” Jongin breathes raggedly into the kiss, slightly pulling back to utter the words, “know how long I’ve been waiting to do this.”

And Kyungsoo kisses him even more fervently as they slip into a more comfortable position, Jongin’s hand clutching on his thighs and heaving him up against the countertop, lips never disconnecting.

Jongin had always made him feel things inside and right now there was a hurricane mounting inside him. Kyungsoo feels the burning sensation on his lungs continually grow larger as his hands wander across Jongin’s torso, feeling hard-toned muscles under the tips of his fingers and there were hints of emotion even with the slightest brush of skin.

Their breaths were jagged as they pull back from each other to grasp for air before Kyungsoo’s face falls into the dip of the taller male’s shoulder, laughing his heart off.

“You’re a pretty good kisser,” Jongin whispers hoarsely, nipping on the shell of Kyungsoo’s ear teasingly and the CEO could feel the smile that came along with it. “The first moment I saw those pair of lips, I immediately knew they were capable of doing such beautiful things.”

Kyungsoo tries to snort but ends up spilling amusement. “You’re not so bad yourself.” He pulls his face back from the comfort of Jongin’s touch before his eyes flicker up to meet with the latter’s.

Jongin was ridiculously handsome, his hair ruffled from earlier but nevertheless still stunning without even trying to make an effort to. He had attractively chiseled features that even looked more striking whenever he smiled, and most especially those enthralling dark chocolate eyes that Kyungsoo always finds himself slowly drowning in.

They were so close that Kyungsoo could feel warm breath puff on his forehead as he takes a whiff of his scent, heart compressing in a sputter of easing familiarity.

Jongin takes a hold of his hand, intertwining their fingers together and without a single move of reluctance, Kyungsoo lets him.

There was a series of loud knocking on the door as Kyungsoo wakes up groggily, kicking the blankets with his feet and throwing his legs off the bed. He walks over to the door and ruffles his hair in an attempt to calm his locks down in a decent manner.

They reached Tokyo at around 11 last night and as soon as he’s settled inside his suite and changed his clothes, Kyungsoo immediately falls asleep once his head hit the pillows. He wanted to wait for Jongin to finish up but his body just didn’t choose to cooperate.

He doesn’t even bother to take a look on the peephole as he opens the door to see Baekhyun already dressed in a black suit, looking nervous and regretful as to have woken up his superior.

“Good morning, Mr. Do,” Baekhyun swallows thickly before handing him a large takeout cup of coffee, “I would just like to remind you that the market opening is in two hours.”

The black coffee seemed to have brought the CEO half-awake into his senses, the bitter taste of hot liquid soothing as it rolled down his gravel clogged throat.

“Just let me take a quick shower then I’ll be over in the lobby in an hour. Oh and if my father calls you please tell him I’ve already sent the emails last night, everything signed and approved.”

Baekhyun nods, leaving afterwards and Kyungsoo shuts the door as he places his cup above the dresser. He shuffles into the bathroom to brush his teeth before grabbing a towel from one of the large cabinets when he hears soft knocking outside the door. Maybe Baekhyun had forgotten something.

Without thinking, Kyungsoo unlatches the door right away but this time a different face greets him and his heart swells in delight to see Jongin so early in the morning. He looked like he already had spent his morning productively, sweat glimmering across his arms and forehead and Kyungsoo tries not to stare so much.

Jongin grins brightly. “I see the sun has completely risen,” he quips.

“Good morning to you too,” Kyungsoo scoffs laughingly as he hugs the towel against his chest. It was a good thing he already had at least brushed his teeth, still embarrassed to look so sleepy and bloated in front of the taller male.

“I was running earlier at dawn and found this new sushi bar downtown. Maybe you’d like to join me this afternoon-if you’re not busy, that is.”

Kyungsoo’s face turns frozen for a split second before it alters into a heart stopping grin. “You mean like a date?” he asks softly.

“I suppose you’re going to have to find that out yourself,” Jongin winks playfully and Kyungsoo nods, a mild blush peeking through his skin.

“Sure, I think that’d be great,” he offers a smile when out of nowhere a sudden thought strikes him, muttering a quick ‘wait a second’ before waddling back inside his room. He hastily rummages through his luggage and as soon as he finds the object, Kyungsoo hurries back to the door.

“Here, I’m sorry I forgot to give this back to you yesterday” he says, handing Jongin his cap but the latter shakes his head and urges the object back into Kyungsoo’s hands.

“You can keep that, I have another one besides that so it’s okay,” Jongin smiles reassuringly before leaning over until their faces were merely centimeters apart. He whispers, “In case you start missing me or something.”

Kyungsoo’s ears redden, biting back a smile as he presses a finger on Jongin’s forehead to take back the space between them causing the taller male to jutter his lip out.

“I’m sorry,” Kyungsoo chuckles, “I’m kind of running late right now so I have to hurry up and change.”

Jongin hums affirmatively, stealing a quick kiss on Kyungsoo's cheek before walking away with a wave.

A huge banner was hung across two tall posts of the newly finished building, guests flocking the wide threshold. Kyungsoo arrives just in time for the ribbon cutting ceremony as he makes his way up to the front and lines up along with the Wu’s other business partners.

There was a crowd of reporters and press photographers behind the barricades, bright camera flashes blinking with the sunlight.

Chairman Wu Yifan along with a much older person Kyungsoo didn’t recognize, cut the ribbon together in half and a series of applauses and words from the press follow.

It didn’t take the program outside to finish and everyone was invited inside for a follow-up celebration, various food and desserts lined up on the rectangular tables.

Elegantly dressed people were mingling with each other in between drinks and ribbons, the mood vibrant and festive with congratulatory words being passed around the staff and its company members.

“Mr. Do, I’m glad you could come” Yifan greets merrily as he finds the CEO silently sipping on a glass of champagne with his PA standing behind him, Baekhyun’s eyes roaming around the area.

Kyungsoo’s face splits into a grin as they shake hands. “I’m really grateful for the invite, and congratulations Chairman Wu, the new building looks great. I’m wishing you and the company all the best for the future.”

“Thank you for deciding to join us and fly all the way here from Seoul despite your busy schedule Mr. Do-“ Yifan was unable to finish his sentence when a woman enthusiastically pulls him by the arm, the chairman mouthing an apology as he lets her drag him into a group of important looking businessmen.

Kyungsoo was one of the much more prominent guests so it would be somehow rude if he left too early. He fascinates himself by walking around and leisurely tasting the served cuisine, brief hellos and nodding his head in acknowledgement at the other guests.

Later on he finds himself making small talk with people he was just acquainted with, making three hours pass by in a heartbeat. As the crowd started to dissipate, Kyungsoo walks over to the Chairman to express his gratitude once again for the sincere invitation.

With Mr. Lee absent, Kyungsoo offers to drive their rented vehicle instead of bothering to get someone else. Besides, he usually drove for himself and only needed Mr. Lee whenever everything was hectic and when he could no longer handle more stress from the heavy traffic.

They were on their way back to the hotel when Baekhyun speaks up on the front seat. “Your father called earlier this morning and requests that you personally meet up with him today. And if possible, this afternoon.”

Kyungsoo clicks his tongue as he takes a right curve, “Did you let him know that I’m out of the country right now?”

“Well coincidentally, both your parents are also here in Tokyo for a business appointment.”

Kyungsoo's mind goes blank for a moment before his senses quickly come right back to him, finally taking notice of the red traffic light as he steps on the brakes and unknowingly grips tightly on the steering wheel.

He sighs deeply through his nostrils, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose in exhaustion.

When he's finally alone in his private suite, Kyungsoo decides to call his father. He paces around the room to calm his nerves down and stops halfway when the dial tone is replaced with a deep timbre voice.

"Kyungsoo, I'm glad you called. I wanted to speak with you."

"Dad," he clears his throat, finally sitting down on the long couch across the coffee table and nervously chewing on his lower lip. Both his parents still reside in Seoul but Kyungsoo had bought an apartment for himself so he could start living independently on his own. After then it was only once in a while that they got together with everyone having their own businesses. "Baekhyun told me you wanted to see me today?"

"I do son. I'm actually meeting with an important client this afternoon with your mom so I think it would be a wonderful idea if you were to join us for an early dinner."

Kyungsoo runs a hand through his jet black hair exasperatedly, glancing at the wall clock as he thinks of Jongin's offer. "Will it be possible if I see you tomorrow instead? I kind of already have plans for the afternoon and it would be a little too late to cancel."

"Oh are you meeting with someone else?" his father asks curiously but he doesn't wait for Kyungsoo's response as he continues on. "We're leaving at eight tonight so it we can't reschedule. And more importantly, your mom's really looking forward to seeing you."

Kyungsoo tips his shoes off on the floor before collapsing on the couch, laying flat on his back as he throws one arm over his forehead. Even if he tried to pursuade harder, his father was quite firm with his decisions. Although a part of Kyungsoo wanted to see his parents another chamber of his heart was crestfallen about having to take back his words with Jongin. He sighs in defeat. "I'll meet you both in an hour."

Kyungsoo looks around the entire hotel building for Jongin. He had been mentally practicing a long thread of apologies to make himself sensible and avoid stammering in front of the pilot, afraid that he might end up with empty words. But that hardly mattered right now when his chest was weighing heavily in guilt.

As worse as the situation might get, Jongin was nowhere to be found.

Kyungsoo sighs disappointedly as he rolls his sleeves up to the elbow, slipping into the driver's seat before starting the car engine. He has his phone connected to his earpiece, listening to continuous beeps as he repeatedly attempts to reach Jongin's phone.

As he had been looking through his work contacts earlier, Kyungsoo finds out that all this time he had Jongin's mobile phone number (thank you Byun Baekhyun) saved under the name of Captain Kim Jongin.

He was backing up on the driveway when the beeping stops and all of a sudden Kyungsoo was tongue tied whilst a wave of relief washing through him. There was fumbling, a quiet shuffle on the other line and, "Kyungsoo? Hi I'm sorry I haven't answered your calls, I left my phone in the room and I went out for a little bit. Hope you're not angry though. What's up?"

Stepping on the accelerator, Kyungsoo takes a deep breath. He feels his nerves clenching. "Hey um," he says slowly, "something suddenly came up so I uh, won't be able to make it this afternoon. I'm really sorry Jongin."

There was a short silence on the other line and Kyungsoo nervously chews on the inside of his cheeks as he waits for a response. He just wishes he could see Jongin's face right now.

"Oh," Jongin says calmly, "that's okay, I understand that you're really busy. We can always come back next time if you still want to. That wouldn't be so impossible right?"

"I'll make it up to you next time I promise," Kyungsoo decides firmly and he swears to do his best to make sure that next time not even work can bother his personal business. "But you're not upset with me are you?" he asks just in case.

Jongin chuckles softly and it sends tingles all over Kyungsoo's chest. "No, no of course not," he titters reassuringly. "And rather than making it up to me you can just make out with me instead."

Kyungsoo couldn't help but snort loudly as he steps on the breaks before a pedestrian lane, watching as little kids totter across the street in a clean line. He grins from ear-to-ear. "Just before anything else happens I just want to let you know that I'm driving as we speak."

"You're driving me crazy. And I'm completely aware of that."

Kyungsoo scowls. For a second he actually considers the thought of how heart-melting words can easily just come out of Jongin's mouth so smoothly. But nonetheless it was ridiculously working, his ears turning pink and fortunately no one was there to witness him looking like that.

"I'm going to hang up now okay?" This time Jongin sounded serious, concern laced within his voice and Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Put your phone down and concentrate on the road. I understand that I’m quite irresistible but your safety is much more important CEO Do."

"Mhm bye Jongin," he says with eyes rolling up to the heavens despite the huge grin playing on his features.

"Drive carefully Soo."

Their call ends and Kyungsoo peels off the earpiece from his right ear before tossing the miniature device on the empty front seat. The traffic light meters ahead was lit green, space now a little wider on this particular part of the streets. And Kyungsoo steps on the accelerator as he speeds up to make it through the light, heart fluttering from certain thoughts and leaving marks across the gravel.

It felt like ages ago when he last had a decent, uninterrupted meal with his parents. No urgent calls, no paperwork on the table, and no serious talk about the businesses. He felt like he was thirteen all over again. After leaving his car with the valet, Kyungsoo had been led by a middle-aged woman through the building and arrives at a fancy restaurant located on the topmost floor with massive floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

His mother still wears the same smile on her face as she greets him with a tight hug, minute signs of wrinkles beginning to appear with age yet it was no surprise at all that she still manages to keep herself looking so wonderful.

Seated beside her was the President Do, his father, who offers him a smile with a calmed expression. He and his father are able to meet during corporate meetings so there technically was no need for them to catch up on anything. Unlike his mother who travelled a lot, had started throwing him endless questions.

They share a small ceramic kettle of tea along with various authentic Japanese food. They sit comfortably; talk, laugh, and Kyungsoo never grew tired of the smile that kept tugging on his lips. He was enjoying this very one simple dinner and wished time could tick slower.

Later during the evening Kyungsoo offers to drive his parents to the aiport 30 minutes early before boarding the plane.

"I promise I'll come visit you at home when I can," he tells them as he waves goodbye from behind the entrance, watching as both his parents disappear after making a turn towards the waiting lounge.

The airport was crowded, filled with people dragging large travel bags and most of them probably didn't care if they ran over your shoes or bumped you with their carry-ons. And that's how Kyungsoo closes with his conclusion.

He was carefully dodging his way through towards the exit when someone hastily steps back and hits him on the shoulder with a bulky backpack. He steps on his own feet from the collision, stumbling back and falling right into a pair of strong arms. Wait a minute.

Upon realizing, Kyungsoo immediately pushes himself back up into am upright position. He awkwardly fumbles with the buttons of his blazer, stammering out an apology before looking up to meet a familiar pair of honey-glazed eyes.

Jongin's eyebrows meet in concern, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," he mutters, "t-thanks for that." Slowly nodding, Kyungsoo cocks his head slightly in mild confusion. "You're at the airport..."

"Uhm, I'm a pilot?"

Kyungsoo makes a face, slightly pouting as he gestures to the younger male's uniform. "I meant what are you doing here? Do you suddenly have to fly off somewhere else?"

"No I'm just making arrangements for tomorrow's flight." Jongin answers briefly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I think I saw your parents enter the boarding area just now."

"Yeah, they're going back to Seoul tonight that's why I had to cancel the sushi bar," he smiles sheepishly. "Sorry about that again."

Jongin licks his bottom lip before his mouth morphs into a smile. "No worries," he muses. "By the way do you have something going on tonight? I know it's really short notice but I want to show you something."

Kyungsoo contemplates for a second before nodding decisively. "Sure. I think I've already had Baekhyun clear my day."

"Great, follow me."

Jongin leads him smoothly through the airport inspections, security, and finally out into the wide open runway space. The evening breeze was cold and strong, yet Kyungsoo feels comfort with Jongin's hand laying gently on his lower back.

"Are you sure this isn't illegal?" he shouts over the noise from the huge plane engines, head ducked down.

"Of course not!" Jongin hollers back, "Technically we're not breaking any rules so everything's good. Trust me."

Kyungsoo nods but as he turns around, Jongin had started climbing up the stairs leading into one of the smaller jets. His jaws drop in disbelief, "If you're trying to kidnap me, I'd say you've done a pretty good job of making me come with you by will."

Jongin laughs, offering a hand out and Kyungsoo grins as he takes it without a word, smile never faltering. He lets Jongin guide him through the slightly cramped interior of the plane and he certainly doesn't complain when the pilot helps him with his seatbelt.

"I've already taken care of everything so you have nothing to worry about," Jongin tells him, grinning. "We'll only be staying above air and get back right after. I'm not really prepared to get sued and face court."

Kyungsoo snorts but was immediately replaced by soft laughter bubbling up his throat. "I don't really have much of a choice do I?"

After all the necessary pre-flight procedures, Jongin enters the cockpit and Kyungsoo waves a hand when he catches a quick glimpse of Minseok behind the doors.

He feels a sudden rush of thrill and nervousness coursing through him as they descend up into the skies, his stomach uncomfortably lurching mid-air. Later on as soon as the seatbelt sign turns off, Kyungsoo tugs the grey strap off across his shoulders, halting when Jongin comes out of the cockpit with a bunch of tulips in his arms.

He hears a soft whistle behind the pilot and then everything else was a blur around them, Kyungsoo's eyes only on Jongin.

It only took the taller male three long strides before he's finally face to face with Kyungsoo. For once Jongin actually looked nervous in front of him; hands clammy and fingers fumbling at the green stems. Kyungsoo crosses his arms, chuckling in amusement and he badly wishes he could permanently imprint this image right before his eyes.

"Is it already too late for me to properly ask you out on a date?" Jongin asks softly, giving him a hopeful glance and Kyungsoo's heart starts making somersaults in the air as he starts to ramble, "No! Yes-- I mean uhm, yes I'd love to go on a date with you."

And just like that, Jongin flashes the brightest grin as he carefully offers Kyungsoo the bouquet of tulips, the latter beaming gratefully in return as he delicately cradled them into his arms. "These are really lovely Jongin, thank you."

The pilot takes a step beside him and offers an arm out playfully, his laughter contagious. "May I?"

Smiling widely, Kyungsoo intertwines his arm with Jongin's as the younger male brings him towards another room before latching the knob open and flipping a particular switch on.

Kyungsoo's face drops into a combination of confusion and surprise as he blinks his eyes repeatedly. What he remembers to once be a private resting lounge had been altered to look like an improvised candlelit dinner. The room was dim, soft lighting emitted from small Japanese lanterns hung across the walls, bright yellow bulbs lining the windows and between two irremovable reclining sofas, there was a round table covered in white silk.

Jongin runs a hand through his hair sheepishly, "I haven't really prepared much and all... I kind of just bought these while I was at the market in the afternoon. Nothing fancy but uh," he shuffles inside before lifting a plastic container up with a smile, "I bought sushi."

They dine, share laughter and stories in between takeout sushi rolls and some kind of over-sauced pasta dish that came with it. Jongin had mentioned earlier that he sometimes cooked for himself, learning different dishes as he travelled around the world as a pilot.

Kyungsoo was unfazed as he stared at Jongin whose mouth charmingly tugged at the corners whenever he spoke about a hilarious memory. He suddenly thinks back of the time after becoming CEO when he was first introduced to his new pilot. Jongin was young, but he finished off successfully as top in class and thus gaining more attention and popularity than he deserved. Kyungsoo had initially concluded back then of him as a self-asserting and egotistic person without really knowing the guy, but in reality Jongin was completely none of those.

Kyungsoo had risen up from his ocean of thoughts when Jongin pushes the opaque window cover up, revealing the city of Tokyo at night from above the clouds like dotted lights painting the dark backdrop with splashes of color. They've done this quite some time before and every view never fails to take Kyungsoo's breath away, maybe mostly because of the soft beam of moonlight that falls on one side of Jongin's face.

The pilot sighs, "I originally wanted to show you the stars, but I'm afraid that wouldn't be impossible at a limited altitude."

Kyungsoo shakes his head reassuringly, mouth stretching into a wide smile. "That's okay, everything's already perfect the way it is. Besides there's already one big star I'm looking at."

Jongin looks taken aback, dramatically dabbing his index finger to his chest. "Hold on did you just-are you trying to imply that I'm hot? I mean I know there are also cold stars out there but let’s get our facts straight this one’s unquestionable.”

Kyungsoo shrugs nonchalantly, eyes looking up as he pretends to think harder. "Technically the Sun's still the hottest star so you're like... second place. Well we can't argue with science can we?"

"Where'd you learn to say those things?" Amused, Jongin cracks up. "I'm impressed; you're really good at this."

"I think it's only proof that I've been hanging out with you. Influence, I guess."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Kyungsoo laughs and just like that, the massive border of detachment effortlessly cracks between them. As rare as it might get with other people, maybe Jongin had become an exception and Kyungsoo was slowly beginning to open his heart up little by little.

Jongin licks his lips and stands up before holding a hand out for Kyungsoo to take. "Dance with me?"

"But Jongin there's no music," Kyungsoo argues silently but he still finds himself being pulled up into his feet and into the empty space of the room.

"I don't really have-I'm not much of a dancer so um I, are my hands am I supposed to oh-I’m sorry..." Pink reaches the tip of his ears as Kyungsoo's arms search for non-awkward positions to rest on. Jongin takes his hands though, guiding them to where they should be properly placed.

In the end he still ends up being pressed up against Jongin's chest anyway, hand clinging onto the taller male's broad shoulders while one of Jongin's hands lay gently on his hip. One side of his face was pressed into the crook of the pilot's neck as they swayed to a nonexistent beat.

"But there really is no music..."

"Hush, you can listen to my heartbeat."

"But it's playing metal. And we definitely can't slow dance to metal."

He feels Jongin's chest vibrate from laughter. "It is?"

"Definitely is, I can totally hear it."

Jongin inhales as he nuzzles against Kyungsoo's head, soft locks of hair tickling his nose, "Believe me it only happens around you."

"I'm glad it does," Kyungsoo hums quietly and Jongin slightly pulls back to look at him, eyes wandering over to Kyungsoo's lips before he slowly leans in, plush lips hovering above each other.

Kyungsoo smiles, "I think I like you Jongin."

"I do too. I'm not very obvious am I?"

"Not even the slightest hint," he chuckles heartily.

"I'd very much appreciate it if you would kiss me right now, Kyungsoo."

And so Kyungsoo does, tipping his toes up to lock their lips in a chaste kiss. Jongin tilts his head to the side and Kyungsoo's breath hitches, heart constricting in a tenderly agonizing emotion that has his head spinning in circles and arms instinctively snaking around the taller male's back.

It was out of longing and sparks of adrenaline that has Kyungsoo pressing his hand on top of Jongin's chest, gently pushing him back to sit on the large sofa. Their lips crash messily and the pilot was all too willing to comply, fingers grasping on the hair behind Kyungsoo's head as his back hit the soft nylon seat.

Jongin spreads his knees apart with a groan and the smaller male kicks his signature black leather shoes off before sidling up in between Jongin's thighs, lips eager as he licks between the pilot's lips for entrance, tasting the traces of red wine and hints of sauce in his mouth. Kyungsoo tilts his head fully to the side and Jongin holds him closer, pulse racing as he leaves a trail of kisses across his jaw and one full kiss on the lips.

Kyungsoo pulls back for oxygen, panting weakly and heart still violently racing. He whispers loudly, "Do you want to listen to my heartbeat?"

Jongin steals a kiss on his cheek, laughing softly. He was also panting as much as Kyungsoo was. "Why? Is it playing metal too?"

"No," he pulls Jongin in for another firm press of the lips, "But it's definitely going to put yours in shame."

After having a panic attack at the early break of dawn, Baekhyun finally finds himself sighing in relief for the first time after waking up to realize that the CEO was nowhere to be found. He had rushed over from the hotel to the airport in a nervous wreck, catching up with his breath as he runs up to a particular jet.

"How long have they been here?"

Minseok shrugs as he stands beside Baekhyun, both watching two sleeping bodies curled up against each other. "Just through the night, they didn't even bother getting up after we landed 5 hours ago. Didn't Kyungsoo tell you beforehand?"

Baekhyun shakes his head. CEO Do Kyungsoo was sidled up against Captain Kim Jongin comfortably, his head resting on Jongin's chest and the latter's face pressed up against the top of his head. A blue linen blanket was thrown over their bodies and Kyungsoo shifts in his sleep as he wiggles closer to Jongin, attracted in the warmth he gave off.

Facing back, Baekhyun sighs deeply. "I need coffee."

category: d, round 1: 2016

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