New fiction. Oh god; stop the plot bunnies, so that I might get some studying done! I have another FrostIron fic in the works, a Thor/Harry/Loki one, and then, THEN, then I’ll get back to working on all the HP fics I left hanging. #Ashamed
Enjoy PART 1!
“Redemption Songs”
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is property of JK Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner
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Comments 7
Next chapter is up now and yet I haven't managed to work on anything purely HP related :/ Go figure. :P
This is so good! Gods, the feels, I can't even imagine what Loki's half will be like! Harry's background is very interesting; I love reading about new ways that the war ending, rather than 'everything was great and Harry became an Auror'.
I wonder what will happen in the future...will Voldemort find him? to read the next chapter! :D
How have you been?
I've been okay; I'm slowly crawling out of the Tumblr cave...slowly...very slowly...Oh, and I'm in denial that the summer is almost over. Yep. I've only written one damn 2k word story. *cries* I have all these plot bunnies but they won't write themselves :'( Lol, I admire how you're always able to write so much! :)
I hope that this coming week will be better for you!
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