Redemption Songs Part 01 - Harry/Loki - NC17

Jul 27, 2012 20:05

New fiction. Oh god; stop the plot bunnies, so that I might get some studying done! I have another FrostIron fic in the works, a Thor/Harry/Loki one, and then, THEN, then I’ll get back to working on all the HP fics I left hanging. #Ashamed

Enjoy PART 1!

“Redemption Songs”

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is property of JK Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner ( Read more... )

loki, harryloki, harrypotter, avengers, crossovers, lordvoldemort

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Comments 7

star_faerie July 27 2012, 19:33:08 UTC
That was really interesting. I look forward to reading more.


k155_me July 28 2012, 15:54:37 UTC
Thanks very much :)

Next chapter is up now and yet I haven't managed to work on anything purely HP related :/ Go figure. :P


Volume 007, Issue 172 livejournal July 29 2012, 00:38:30 UTC
User novalinx referenced to your post from Volume 007, Issue 172 saying: [...] Jack, Doctor/Rose, Amy/Rory, Richard/Kahlan, Cara/Jack The Avengers wrote Redemption Songs 1/? [...]


Volume 007, Issue 172 livejournal July 29 2012, 00:38:30 UTC
User novalinx referenced to your post from Volume 007, Issue 172 saying: [...] | PG | Avengers/Doctor Who | Gen Harry Potter wrote Redemption Songs 1/? [...]


lovegingers July 29 2012, 02:23:39 UTC
OMG this is like my OTP within my's OTPception! Lol, couldn't help but be cheesy and nerdy.

This is so good! Gods, the feels, I can't even imagine what Loki's half will be like! Harry's background is very interesting; I love reading about new ways that the war ending, rather than 'everything was great and Harry became an Auror'.

I wonder what will happen in the future...will Voldemort find him? to read the next chapter! :D


k155_me July 29 2012, 10:12:48 UTC
I'm too hung over to be coherent. And I'm also mega pissed off (cause certain people ruined my birthday night out for me sigh. hate people). But thanks very much! :)

How have you been?



lovegingers July 29 2012, 17:30:18 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear that! :(

I've been okay; I'm slowly crawling out of the Tumblr cave...slowly...very slowly...Oh, and I'm in denial that the summer is almost over. Yep. I've only written one damn 2k word story. *cries* I have all these plot bunnies but they won't write themselves :'( Lol, I admire how you're always able to write so much! :)

I hope that this coming week will be better for you!


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