Doctor Who 604 Doctor`s Wife

May 14, 2011 19:12

This is what I scribbled down while watching. It may be a bit disjointed and squeeful

Lot's of Time Lords

Rory, Look after everybody. Obviously ONLY Rory is the responsible!

Doctor, you brat! Locking up Amy and Rory

Oh, that flash of anguish when he opened the cabinet to find all the message cubes. I was sad and angry with him. Though that line topping who killed more Time Lords was extremely awesome.

HA! A Madman Without a Box!


Oh TARDIS. You always took him where he needed to go. Sometimes I wondered if the randomness was just because of her.

OH YES! Rory IS the pretty one!

"Another Ood I failed to save" Such a change from EMO!10

Seeing 11 cry is like watching a kicked puppy. I just want to snuggle him! But, I like how he does it, so controlled, not over the top.

- Console without a shell -- WHY HELLO THREE and Eyepatch Brig in INFERNO
- Jettisoning rooms -- FIVE in CASTROVALVA
- Eye of Orion -- the FIVE DOCTORS!!

I think someone loves the Fifth Doctor as much as me!!

interesting side effect of watching 11, I now twirl a lot more in life now.


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