Awww....loved the answers. I was thinking wine because maybe you suggested I try some to relax and I thought you were drinking some? Or I could have just been delusional. :p
Thanks for the kind words lovely.
P.S.I'm pro now on Farkle so we can play against one another! Woot! I always lose so there ya go. ;) And the game I usually won was Word Twist...not played that in awhile.
Yay! We will have to set a time to play it. I haven't played against anyone yet but I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult. We never play Word Twist now, so we will have to rectify that too. :)
I might have suggested wine, but I don't remember. It's may age! Probably I know you wouldn't drink vodka, so maybe I went with the wine, lol.
The other thing i love him for is for connecting me with some wonderful people here on LJ, through the Lost fandom. The minute I saw that gorgeous face in Lost I knew I would be hooked on him for life.
Comments 4
Thanks for the kind words lovely.
P.S.I'm pro now on Farkle so we can play against one another! Woot! I always lose so there ya go. ;) And the game I usually won was Word Twist...not played that in awhile.
I might have suggested wine, but I don't remember. It's may age! Probably I know you wouldn't drink vodka, so maybe I went with the wine, lol.
Yes, we do think that :p
The other thing i love him for is for connecting me with some wonderful people here on LJ, through the Lost fandom. The minute I saw that gorgeous face in Lost I knew I would be hooked on him for life.
You cheesy girl :p
She is the ultimate competitive person.
Yes, I am *grins*
You cheesy girl :p
There are worst things than being cheesy! ;p
Yes, you are the ultimate competitive person, but one day I will beat you at something, lol.
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