Random Meme

Dec 30, 2008 03:55

Stolen from Shadohrt

The Life Experience Test
Overall, you have partaken in 126 out of 169 possible life experiences.
Your average life experience score is therefore 75%.

The average score is 51%, making your experiences more than 98% of the people who have taken this test.
The average for your age group (26-35) is 53%.

Broken down by category:
Art: 9/17 ( Read more... )

random meme

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Comments 1

zenfrodo December 30 2008, 20:50:31 UTC
Meh. I took that test, and it's rather biased and leaves out quite a lot (since when is the whole of "art" experience limited to music?? or travel in Europe limited to Great Britain, France & Italy?). Seems to me like it was put together by a young college student who has no idea what the rest of life is like.


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