scifantasy hit the nail on the head:
I see a classic circular problem. I don't have time to update regularly (and miniature updates have been sent to
Twitter), so when I do update, I want it to be a mega-huge "here's what's going on with me" update; which I don't have time for. So I put it off ... and then I want it to be longer ... yeah.
I did actually start writing a post about the past few months, but with more time having passed, I figure it's probably better to just give up on that and "start over." To begin with, here are the first posts in each month of this past year:
- January - Closing Out 'O8
- February - Changes I Can Believe In
- March - Snow Days
- April - Coming to a TV Near You?
- May - Not Exactly Free Time
- June - Princeton Reunions, Days 2-3
- July - More Misc.
- August - 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14
- September - How I Spent My Summer "Vacation"
- October - This space available for advertising. Contact the management for details.
- November - Thanksgiving Traveling
- December - The Year in Posts
At least this makes the New Year's resolution easy: keep this up-to-date!