Cognac and Kisses

May 20, 2011 09:23

Title: Cognac and Kisses
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Lester/Connor
Words: 1,356
Rating,Warnings: 18
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Primeval.
Spoilers: None
AN:  This started as a short for morrigans_eve who prompted Lester and Cognac. The boys stopped it being short. Set in the same verse as my yet-to-come mini bang, but not part of the story.

It had been a long day and Lester and Connor were both relieved to be home. Connor had driven and he had watched Lester’s shoulders slump as he leant back in the passenger seat. Lester had been fighting bureaucrats and red tape all day, trying to keep control of the ARC from the people who wanted to take it from him. Many thought Lester was just looking out for his career, but Connor knew better. He knew that Lester was desperate to keep control to protect the team and the science. He was fighting for them and most of them didn’t seem to realise.

And he was exhausted.

Lester led them through the front door and started to head for the kitchen.

“Wait,” said Connor, putting a hand into the middle of Lester’s back. Lester gave him a quizzical look but didn’t resist as Connor guided him straight into the lounge. Connor sat him down on the sofa before kneeling next to him.

“Let me look after you tonight. Please?”

Lester gazed at him for a moment before reaching over and tugging off the young man’s scarf. He stroked a finger across Connor’s collar, lingering on the plate that bore his initials.

“Please.” he said softly.

Connor took Lester’s hand in his and turned it up, kissing the palm before releasing it. He uncurled himself from the floor and stood. Lester shucked off his jacket and laid it in the arm of the sofa and leant back into the cushions behind him.

Connor headed over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a tumbler. He opened the small ice box Lester had built in and scooped a few ice cubes into the glass. He followed the ice with a healthy dose of Cognac and topped it up with a dash of soda water. Lester had introduced him to this way of drinking Cognac as the French did; well, he had introduced him to drinking Cognac at all. Connor had long since decided he didn’t care enough for it to drink a whole glass.

With the drink fixed he walked back to Lester, knelt back by his side, and handed him the glass. Lester took a sip and hummed appreciatively.

“Thank you.”

Connor reached for the laces of one of Lester’s shoes, quickly pulling it undone and slipping it off his foot. He followed by pulling the sock of and then administering the same treatment to the other foot. Connor let his fingers linger over Lester’s ankle, brushing over the smooth skin.

He shifted himself back a bit and pushed Lester’s legs apart, then moved himself so that he was knelt between them. He leant forwards and pressed a kiss to Lester’s lips. Lester opened his mouth slowly, letting Connor lick his way in. They kissed languidly, Connor actually enjoying the second hand tang of the brandy on Lester’s tongue.

Connor pulled back and Lester raised the glass to his lips again, slowly working his way through the drink. Connor’s hands slipped Lester’s braces over his shoulders, helping to guide his arms through the loops so the hung by his side on the sofa. Then he reached for Lester’s tie, taking his time undoing the knot and pulling it out of his collar.

Lester continued sipping at his drink and Connor slowly undid each of the buttons on Lester’s shirt, making his way down. When he reached the waist band of Lester’s trousers he undid his belt, before popping open the button and clasp and lowering the zip. He immediately raised his hands back up to Lester’s shirt, pulling it free of the opened trousers and undoing the remaining buttons.

He put his hands on Lester’s chest, near his shoulders and slowly ran his hands down the length of the other man’s body, luxuriating in the warm skin under his fingers.  He followed the movement of his hands with his eyes. His thumbs traced a line down the centre of Lester’s stomach and Connor could feel the sigh leave Lester’s body.

He ran his hands back up again and lifted his head to catch Lester’s eyes. What he saw there stilled his hands, and more passed in one look than either of them had words for. Connor leaned in and claimed another slow kiss; his hands not leaving Lester’s chest.

Finally breaking the kiss, Connor reached over and wrapped his hand around the one of Lester’s that held the glass. He raised the glass to his lips and took a sip, before releasing Lester’s hand again. He dipped his head and bent to one of Lester’s nipples standing out pink against his flesh. Connor touched his lips to the sensitive nub before opening and sucking it into his mouth.

Lester’s body started under his as the cold liquid in Connor’s mouth touched his hot skin. He groaned as Connor sucked and flicked his tongue over the quickly puckering nipple. Connor swallowed the mouthful of liquid and used his tongue to warm Lester again. He reached again for the glass and this time Lester met him with it half way, raising it to Connor’s lips. Connor took another sip and moved to Lester’s other nipple, humming to himself as he took pleasure in the way Lester’s body responded to the touch again.

Connor sat back on his heels once more and resumed running his hands over Lester’s body. His fingers moved towards Lester’s trousers again and he took the time now to pull the undone fabric apart, exposing his silk underwear. Lester was wearing red today and Connor could see a dark spot where Lester’s erection had leaked pre-come.

He bent and mouthed Lester’s cock through the soft material and delighted in eliciting another groan from him. Connor nuzzled with his nose and mouth until Lester’s hips began to move of their own volition. Then he stopped and pulled Lester's cock out of his boxers. He flicked Lester a cheeky grin and reached for the glass again. With a breath Lester offered it to Connor and let him drink from it, keeping eye contact with him.

Connor bent his head again, breaking eye contact with Lester at the last moment. He opened his mouth and took the head of Lester's cock in. He had already swallowed his small mouthful of drink but he had managed to pull one of the half melted ice cubes into his mouth. Connor used his tongue to roll the small piece of ice over Lester's hard flesh. Lester hissed and his hips rocked, pushing him further into Connor's mouth. Connor moved his head up and down, the warmth of his mouth off-setting the chill of the ice.

Lester's hand came up and wrapped in his hair, but only applied the lightest of pressures; Lester content for once to let Connor set the pace. Connor had one hand bracing himself on Lester's hip, the other gripped the bottom of his shaft, moving up and down with his mouth.

Connor took his time, enjoying the velvety hardness in his mouth long after the ice cube had completely melted. He slowly started to increase the pace, gripping harder with his hand and applying more pressure to the head with his mouth, flicking with his tongue.

Lester's moans had turned breathy and his hips were moving more freely, but Connor could tell that he was holding back from thrusting up as hard as he wanted. Connor intensified his movements even further knowing that he had Lester close now and wanting to bring him the release he so clearly needed.

He felt Lester's hand tightening in his hair and his hips stuttered beneath him. Lester's cock pulsed in his mouth and he was suddenly swallowing hot come as it shot into his mouth. Lester groaned above him and Connor matched the noise as he milked Lester dry with his mouth. Once Lester had stilled Connor released him and straightened his back, Lester's hand still on his head. Lester pulled Connor towards him and into a kiss. Lester could taste himself on Connor, and as Connor kissed him back he decided that maybe he did like Cognac after all.

connor temple, primeval, james lester, slash, fanfic, connor/lester

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