
besides: hats

Apr 29, 2011 11:08

Okay so this is the thing: If you have issues with the royal family as a symbol of imperialism, or with weddings in general and particularly Christian ones? Totally valid! Write about it! Share with the class! Some folks on my flist already have done so this week ( Read more... )

fandom meta, culture, internet

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jlh April 29 2011, 16:50:27 UTC
Posted on the Vanity Fair tumblr with the caption "This needed doves."

... )


bookwormsarah April 29 2011, 19:50:04 UTC
Oh. My. Goodness. I...I...nope - no words.


weepingnaiad April 30 2011, 15:00:51 UTC
Whoa. Those are incredible. Seriously.

I do think I need to print this out and send it to my MIL. She's in a nursing home, but has been so excited by the Royal Wedding. She dressed up and my SIL went over there so they could watch it together. They had high tea and it was delightful.

And I was totally thrilled that she had had something wonderful to look forward to and enjoy.

Didn't actually have time to watch it myself.


misscake April 29 2011, 15:23:50 UTC
Thank you for saying what I was thinking but could not really verbalize!


jlh April 29 2011, 17:08:56 UTC
Thanks! Yeah, it's just, dude, I didn't ask you. (And there's often a stinger that implies that the people who care are wrong in some way; someone on my flist whom I quite like said "I don't care about rich people marrying other rich people.")


calloocallay April 30 2011, 16:01:05 UTC


jlh May 2 2011, 18:29:32 UTC

And the funny thing is that I saw it on tumblr and reblogged it about an hour after I made this post. The Zeitgeist, I am in it! But yeah, I love that song and thank you SO MUCH for sending it to me!


trinaest April 29 2011, 15:39:30 UTC
Exactly! I was trying to explain to someone this morning why people might be interested in watching it, even if I'm not. It's possible to understand the fascination, even if you don't HAVE it. You just have to actually listen and not dismiss the other person's POV as irrelevant/unimportant.


jlh April 29 2011, 17:10:40 UTC
Yeah, it's like, it was pretty. People wore hats. There were carriages. And I like weddings, anyway. It can actually be just very simple. I am not particularly interested in many sports, but I'm not like, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE NFL DRAFT because no one asked me. And if they did I'd be like, "you know, I don't really follow football!" and that would be the end of it.


mardia April 29 2011, 16:28:30 UTC
The attitudes displayed by some people this week--particularly on tumblr--has been annoying. So you don't care about the wedding? That's fine, except...why are you telling me that? I didn't ask!

For me, I went to Project Rungay and looked at the picture of the dress, thought, "Oh, she looks nice", laughed at the kooky hats (seriously, why can't Americans wear hats like that all the time?) and left it at that. If you actually don't care about something, then why bitch about it? Just admit you're aggravated, because that's more honest than saying you don't "care".


jlh April 29 2011, 16:57:12 UTC
I have to say I'm often pretty shocked at the behavior of folks on tumblr. Often the ones from LJ who are fannish are much better behaved than the youngsters or even the older folks who are floating around as bloggers. It's ... very strange.

Yeah, the only places you see hats like that on Americans are in the south, or on African American ladies going to church. I blame JFK.

I watched it live because it was on when I was up and getting ready to leave the house anyway. I just made some scones.


sistermagpie April 29 2011, 16:58:05 UTC
Some of the anti-wedding stuff seems kind of mean, if unintentionally so. Because I can't help but feel like there's a sort of contempt for people who would be so lame as to celebrate something so old fashioned. I mean, there's plenty of people who have problems with the monarchy and this sort of thing and I don't expect them to not talk about them just because it's a wedding. But I don't see what's wrong with people liking it. For goodness sakes, in fandom people are totally obsessed with shipping and love writing fic about romance.

The other thing is it often seems to assume more interest than is shown. Yes, the airwaves are full of it but someone told me the other day they even read they were scaling back on it because of lack of interest. Not in the contemptuous way, I don't think, but just that it seems like a lot of people just think they seem like a nice couple who are well suited but there's no real story there they need to see.

Maybe it also just makes me think of Christine on Night Court and her Charles & Di plates!


jlh April 29 2011, 17:18:02 UTC
I definitely think that the staff of the Today show were more excited about the wedding than anyone else anywhere. I mean, E! doesn't have much else to do, so their being gleeful about it makes sense. And it's not like someone is going to be complaining. "E!, how dare you interrupt your important coverage of that starlet's baby bump for this frivolity!" But when you're a news show, sure, show the wedding live, but they've been covering minutiae of it for weeks now.

The funny thing is that the people on my flist who've expressed their problems with the monarchy or with weddings have been MUCH more generous in tone and spirit than the people talking about how they don't care.

I dunno, I think that people are more comfortable saying they want porn than saying they want romance. Look at how people get mad about weddings in fic.


sistermagpie April 29 2011, 17:23:35 UTC
The funny thing is that the people on my flist who've expressed their problems with the monarchy or with weddings have been MUCH more generous in tone and spirit than the people talking about how they don't care.

You know, that totally doesn't surprise me. Because the person who has problems with it is taking the issue seriously either way. If you're seriously arguing against the thing you should give allowance to the other side and understand why other people feel differently.

But the people who don't care are often just posing and wanting to get themselves labeled as someone who doesn't care. It's like saying how much you hate a pop star. You see all this as lame because it's uncool, not because you've seriously thought about what it is. Sometimes you might throw in something that sounds like a reason but it's probably just something somebody else said that also sounded cool.


jlh May 2 2011, 18:08:19 UTC
I just saw footage of Bieber in Australia and some kids threw eggs at him. Which was dumb because that meant they bought tickets to his concert so they could throw eggs at him that didn't hit him anyway; he didn't even stop dancing. And now he has their money. I'm not sure how you can't call that a win for Bieber.


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