Car in for Servicing II

May 16, 2012 18:19

As mentioned in several previous posts, there were all sorts of problems with the Chrysler dealer coming to pick up my car. As noted in this morning's blog post, I called the dealership again and was assured that the car would be picked up by the time I got home from work today ( Read more... )

car repairs, personal, car servicing

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Comments 2

fangirl81 May 16 2012, 22:58:41 UTC
Wow... Glad they finally took it. I hope they manage to get it to you before the weekend to undo all the messing up.


absinthe_dot_ca May 17 2012, 17:23:18 UTC
Wow, by this point I'd be asking them about a courtesy rental... It seems the screw-ups have been on their end, so they're costing you the use of your car (and over a long weekend no less).


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