One Year on Insulin

Nov 13, 2015 08:59

Today is a personal anniversary of sorts for me.

Exactly one year ago today, I started in insulin to treat my diabetes.

You can read about the appointment that I had at the Diabetes Clinic with the diabetes nurse educator about taking insulin and administering it here and my thoughts after doing the first injection of Lantus here. Not stellar ( Read more... )

health hut, personal, diabetes, insulin therapy, anniversary

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Comments 2

aearwen2 November 13 2015, 20:01:53 UTC
I remember our conversations in the days and weeks leading up to your going on injections. Hard to believe a whole year has gone by since then.


jkahane November 14 2015, 16:04:33 UTC
Yeah, it came as a bit of a surprise to me as well.

The year has certainly had its ups and downs to be sure, and I think that being on insulin certainly contributed to that more than I would have liked. Just have to wait and see what the next year on insulin brings, I suppose. :)


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