writing, editing, etc.

Apr 04, 2007 21:03

Hello all!

I'm taking a page out of
Read more... )

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Comments 9

Cracks Knuckles... evil laughter madrigalist April 5 2007, 11:24:27 UTC
Just kidding. Here are my gut reactions ( ... )


Re: Cracks Knuckles... evil laughter jewelles2 April 5 2007, 23:26:09 UTC
You have no idea how glad I was to get your comment...it's great to know that somebody is taking the time to read my ranting and writing ( ... )


Re: Cracks Knuckles... evil laughter madrigalist April 5 2007, 23:57:20 UTC
You are very welcome. I am glad to see you wish to pursue your writing. I'm around. You know where I am...


ex_spiffyda April 9 2007, 07:38:45 UTC
Hi there! Hope you had (or are still having) a lovely Easter - just letting you know your disney_hush icon is ude Monday 9PM PST here. :)


xheaveneyes May 2 2009, 02:19:26 UTC
hey there! add me back? (: i added you awhile back. how've you been?

i love writing as well.. i know whatever career path i decide to take will involve writing. :) i'm thinking journalism!


jewelles2 May 12 2009, 21:04:55 UTC
I am so sorry that I haven't responded! I've been so distracted, lately, but thank you for commenting b/c it reminded me how much I've neglected LJ. :)

I'm great! Yourself?


xheaveneyes June 9 2009, 23:37:30 UTC
don't worry about it! actually, *i* should be the one to apologize for my tardiness in replying because i've been out of the lj loop lately. i just graduated high school and the last few weeks were crazy crazy!

i've been alright, it feels a little weird having nothing to do.. but i'm happy it's the summer and i'm excited for college, although i'll miss my high school friends of course... a lot of mixed feelings i'm working with now!


jewelles2 June 9 2009, 23:40:36 UTC
I'm in *exactly* the same position...graduation and the madness that precedes it! congrats, by the way...doesn't it feel great to be done?! I still can't believe it, that I have the summer and then it's off to college. But I'm excited, definitely.


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