SPN fic: The End of the "Ingenue"

Apr 28, 2015 11:22

SUMMARY: Written for the genteensybang. AU, deliberately wrong details -- all is explained. Art by the wonderful cassiopeia7 found here .She had always been loyal, even helped them take over the "Ingenue". But when Sam Winchester blows aboard due to a shuttle crash, Ruby finds more than the boy with D'monae blood who was prophesied to house their king Lucifer. She finds a listening ear and sanity among chaos, till a shattering confrontation shows her things are not as she's been taught.

Looking back on it, it had been ridiculously easy for the D'monae to take over the Ingenue. All it had taken was a phony damaged escape pod and a compassionate medical worker.

Ruby had been the advance scout, lying in wait in the body of the escape pod's pilot. One look at that long blonde hair and those big brown eyes and she knew any man would be falling all over himself to help her.

To her surprise, the ship that had found the pod was the Ingenue -- a lone wolf ship manned entirely by women. The medico of the group - small, with long dark hair and familiar large eyes - was the one who took charge of Ruby.

It had been a matter of perfect timing to run a scalpel into the medico's heart and pour herself out of blondie and into the dark-haired form. The blonde had fallen to the floor and Ruby had gently laid the body onto the bed.

Her captain would need her body back.

From there, it was a simple matter of returning to the pod and bringing the cargo into the medical bay. One by one, the crew was called into the medical bay.

One by one, the D'monae took them over. When all of the D'monae were inside the crew, the extras were killed after their knowledge was extracted.

But that had been weeks ago. Now, the Ingenue belonged to the D'monae, who were quietly making plans. The time was close at hand, and their king needed a body to walk among the stars.

That was their prime directive. And a ship full of females would, the hope was, prove deadlier than those that were all male or mixed crew.

Ruby hummed to herself as she brushed her long dark hair. She put down the brush and lifted the necklace that used to house her essence, pausing only a moment before clasping it round her neck.

All these weeks, and she still felt absolutely naked without it. But she hadn't really needed it since the captain had allowed her the use of her blonde, wide-eyed form to entice the crew they would encounter.

Her captain would have laughed at her for being so sentimental, if the captain herself wasn't overly attached to a ring that had the same purpose, where she had hidden while Ruby took over the ship.

As it turned out, though, the real captain of the Ingenuealso had long blonde hair and wide, innocent eyes. Just the kind of combination that Ruby's captain loved to wear.

Ruby would never say it, but she still shuddered internally when she saw her captain's unholy glee as she broke the ship captain's neck with her own two hands before taking over her body.

Sometimes Lilith struck her as a little too bloodthirsty for the job at hand.

But Ruby liked breathing too much to ever admit that.

She smiled and tossed a shank of dark hair over her shoulder. Ruby always had been partial to brunettes, after all. It was a pleasure to be wearing one again.

The Ingenuesuddenly rocked, and the lights flickered. Ruby looked at the ceiling and raced out of her cabin toward the bridge. The ship rocked several more times, but when she emerged onto the bridge, things were calm again.

Laughing, Lilith raised herself from the central chair and smiled at Ruby. "You're with me."

Ruby spun on her heel, following her captain. "Where are we going?"

"To check on our newest treasure," she purred.

Ruby frowned. "Treasure?" she allowed her confusion to show as they entered the cargo bay. "What treasure?"

The grunt of a body hitting the ground drew Ruby's attention to the shuttlecraft the Ingenue had pulled into the bay. One of the technicians grinned cruelly as she used her boot to turn over a man's body.

Lilith laughed again. "That treasure, Ruby."

Ruby gasped as she recognised the man as his eyes closed.

Somehow, the D'monae had captured the elusive Sam Winchester.

Licking her lips, Ruby breathed, "Where's his brother?"

Lilith's smile dropped. "You're right," she growled. "Scour the shuttle! Check everywhere - take it apart! Down to the fasteners!"

The technicians started work and Ruby crouched beside Winchester. She felt at his neck and sighed. "He's unconscious. I need to get him to the medical bay."

Lilith started to smirk again. "Your meatsuit is a medico, Ruby, not you. Besides, he's just unconscious."

"I've been practicing in there," Ruby said. "After all, if we run into anyone from the crew's past, they're going to expect this person to have medical knowledge! And besides," she shot boldly, "don't we need him in perfect physical shape to house the king?"

"Watch your tongue," Lilith bit out. Then she studied Winchester and slowly nodded. "However, you have a fair point. He does need to be in peak condition or his body will not house the king. Make certain of it. In fact...." Her smile returned. "That should be your primary task."

Ruby frowned, visibly confused. "Ma'am?"

"Your new primary task is to prime Sam Winchester. Make sure he is willing and able to house the king. Do anything you must, sacrifice whatever and whoever you must. But the foresaid must come to pass - this must be the brother to house the king."

"You're certain this is the brother for that?" Ruby asked. "You're certain this is the time foresaid?"

"We have two brothers of the correct bloodlines, one touched by the N'gellae, one touched by the D'monae. The younger bears D'monae essence from infancy, and thus he is the one foresaid to house the king. The older bears N'gellae essence, and is the one foresaid to house the enemy prince. The Winchesters match perfectly. Are you certain you should be questioning me, Ruby?"

Ruby held up a hand. "No, ma'am. Just being certain of the facts as they stand." She sighed and touched the necklace around her neck. "I accept my mission. But I need your help."


Ruby pointed at the giant of a man sprawled on the hard floor. "I need help getting that to the medical bay."

Restored to good humour, Lilith laughed and gave the order.


Ruby was many things, but she was no fool. The first thing she did once Winchester was on the diagnostic table was to strap him down. Then she felt safe enough to be alone with him and start the tests.

First priority - find out why he was unconscious. Was it from the crash? Did her fellow D'monae beat him up? Was he going to slide into a coma?

Second priority - see if there were any other underlying physical things to take care of and if so, return him to maximum physical health.

And then, find the protein marker that her fellow D'monae was supposed to have inserted into Winchester's marrow at six months, making his blood partially D'monae and making him able to safely house the king.

As she reached over to begin the tests, Ruby froze. She studied the long form on the table and her eyes narrowed. The mental priorities suddenly rearranged themselves, each falling a notch as a new thought took precedence.

New first priority - determine his identity. It could be this was a shape-shifting Skinster, or a technologically created illusion, or plastic surgery, or any number of things to make this man look like Sam Winchester. No, best to find out definitively if this was truly who it appeared to be.

She reprogrammed the diagnostic monitors and then stepped back, watching them work. Humans were truly inventive creatures - they had made these machines that could tell them how their bodies were functioning. Ruby found it intriguing. She seemed to remember once being human, though that was so long ago it might have been a dream.

Wincing at the annoying bright chirp the machine gave when it was done - she idly wondered if she could reprogram that - Ruby gathered the readouts and moved to the medico's desk to study them.

Well, that was one question out of the way. This was not a Skinster or a person with surgically altered features, or anything else she had feared. This was the direct genetic descendant of Mary Francis Campbell and James Henry Winchester, and he was 23 years old.

This was Sam Winchester, all right.

Ruby's lips curled in distaste as she found evidence that his unconsciousness was the result of a beating, though there were some injuries from the shuttle crash. It seemed her sisters had had a bit of fun.

Other than the beating and crash injuries, he was in perfect health. Lilith would be pleased.

With that happy thought in mind, Ruby turned to the analysis of his blood, looking for the protein marker. Her smile slowly faded as she went over the results again.

And again.

And again.

But the figures didn't change. There was no D'monae protein marker resting in his blood. And he was 22 years and six months too old for it to be reinserted with any lasting effect. Even if she or another D'monae possessed him, it would not last more than three or four days.

That.... wasn't right. He had to have that marker. He had to possess D'monae blood. Without it.... her king would burn him out faster than a corrupt fuel cell.

No, she had to have missed something. She'd have to run all the tests again.

As she moved to do that, a groan arrested her. Moving on autopilot, the medico's reflexes took over and she grabbed a handheld kit, heading right to Winchester's side.

Glazed green-brown eyes opened halfway and a thick voice whispered, ".....what....."

"Take it easy," Ruby soothed. "You've been in a shuttle crash. You're safe."

".......where....." The eyes swung to her. ".....who....."

Ruby didn't answer. There was no need. His eyes had closed once more and he was in that peculiar type of sleep that humans seemed to have that assisted in their healing.

She patted his shoulder and started the tests again. When Winchester woke again, she would answer his questions - with the slant that would help her and her people. After all, Lilith had told her to use any means at her disposal.

Ruby couldn't help but wonder one thing, though. One huge mystery that bothered her.

The Winchesters were a matched pair. But Sam Winchester had been alone in that shuttle, to the best of her knowledge.

So where was his brother Dean?


When next Winchester opened his eyes, Ruby was waiting. "Easy, you've been through it. Just lay back and relax," she ordered in her best medico voice.

He shifted position and his eyes snapped up to hers. "Why am I restrained?"

"So you wouldn't attack me for saving your life."

"Why would I do that?" In reply, she blinked her eyes and saw his face with her natural eyes. She saw his eyes widen and heard his gasp before she pulled back and resumed looking through purely human eyes. ".......demon."

"D'monae," she corrected. Humans were always doing that! "We're not all bloodthirsty. I'm a medico." True enough, if she stretched it a bit....

"Where am I?"

"Aboard the Ingenue and recovering from a shuttle crash. My name's Ruby and I know you're Sam Winchester." She licked her lips. "The Brothers Winchester are always paired. Where's your brother?"

Winchester slumped against the bed, and the emotion in his eyes was almost physically painful to see. "....Dean's dead."

Those soft words were so unexpected that Ruby felt herself take an involuntary step backwards. ".....what?" she gasped.

"Dean's dead," he repeated. "The demons attacked our ship. He pushed me into the shuttle and launched it. The.... The ship exploded with him still on board."

"I'm.... I'm sorry, Winchester." And she truly was.

"Sam," he said softly. "Under the circumstances.... Just call me Sam."

"Sam." She patted his arm and stood. "I need to let my captain know you're awake. I think -- knowing what I am and who you are - I think it might be best if the restraints remain for now."

Winchester - Sam - snorted softly, but nodded. "Given the givens..... that's perhaps the wisest thing you could do."

Ruby smiled and walked out of the room. She paused in the corridor, her fingers closing around the necklace for a moment. Then she walked over to the comm and activated it. "Lilith."

"Here. What is it, Ruby?"

"Winchester is awake."

"Excellent. We've found no trace of--"

"You won't. Dean Winchester is dead."


"He was killed when the ship they were on was attacked by D'monae. He pushed his brother into the shuttle and blasted it off."

"But ... if Dean Winchester is dead...."

"Then our king has already won. There will be no meatsuit for his opponent to wear."

There was a shocked breath, then Lilith laughed. "Ruby, that is the most naive thing I have ever heard. The N'gellae will find a secondary warrior and the battle will rage on. Keep him healthy to house the king. That's your only function." Without another word, she closed the connection.

Ruby let out a groan as she leaned against the wall. There were times when she truly wondered--

"Is she insane?"

Gasping, Ruby spun to find Sam leaning against the wall, arms crossed. "Because," he finished, "she sure sounds insane."

"How did you --- When did you --- You were restrained!" Ruby gasped.

Sam shrugged. "The restraint I can't slip hasn't been invented yet. And you didn't answer my question."

"She's our captain."

"I get that," Sam said. "But is she insane?"

Ruby sighed, feeling her shoulders slump. "Sometimes... I wonder. And sometimes I wonder if she isn't the sanest among us and I'm the insane one."

Sam smiled and stepped closer. Ruby had the odd thought that he was at least a half a meter taller than she was - give or take. "Let's go back inside."


"So we can talk about this. I've been told I'm a good listener."

"You're human. I'm D'monae."

"I'm still a good listener." His smile grew to reveal a pair of deep dimples. "Come on."

As if not in control of her own limbs, Ruby preceded him back into the medical bay.

Over twin glasses of cold water, and with Sam asking gentle questions, the entire scheme came out. Ruby had always had reservations about the huge plan, but she'd gone along because she was D'monae and they had to take bodies to interact with their environment.

"Weirdly," she said, "I didn't really start questioning things until I took over this one. Now it seems like I can't stop questioning. I feel things that I'm not sure I'm supposed to be. I was a loyal soldier before this, Sam - I was Lilith's right hand! And now...."

Sam's eyes narrowed. "Lilith? The demons who attacked us said they were doing it in her name!"

Ruby groaned. "I wouldn't doubt it. She's got her fingers in a lot of schemes. Her focus is to bring our king back and to use you to do it. But... I'm not sure I want that to happen. I don't want to lose Sam Winchester in the process."

Suddenly she let out a groan and jerked to her feet. She paced the medical bay back and forth, pinwheeling her hands as she snarled, "What is wrong with me? Why can't I be what I used to be? I was loyal, Sam! And now---"

His nodded slowly. "And now you feel you aren't. Now you think something is very wrong because you are questioning the wisdom of something you've followed blindly all your life."

She turned wide eyes on him and nodded. She was shaken to her core. This wasn't just her following orders and feeding Winchester what he wanted to hear, to prove her loyalty to him and lead him to death by possession at the hands of her king.

Ruby was being 100% genuine. And that scared her more than anything else. "What is wrong with me, Sam?" she half sobbed.

She hadn't even registered him standing or moving, but suddenly those long arms were wrapped around her and she was cradled against his warm body. His deep voice rumbled against her ear as he said, "Nothing's wrong with you, Ruby. You said this didn't start until you took this form?"

She nodded. "She's a medico. And suddenly so am I - and suddenly I'm full of alarm bells ringing that Lilith may be insane."

"I've seen this before, Ruby. My brother--" He broke off and a shudder ran through him. Without thinking, Ruby raised her hands and linked them behind his back. Accepting the embrace, Sam breathed a long breath out before resuming. "My brother and I have run across some of your kind who possessed the wrong people. Their characteristics were so strong, so engrained in the brain and the muscles that it was as though they overwrote the - the D'monae. They became more like the original person."

Ruby whispered, "I'm not insane?"

"You're not insane, Ruby." His lips brushed the top of her head. "You're better."

She smiled against his chest. "I'm better."

"Yup." He stepped a step back, still holding her loosely, and looked into her eyes. "So, Doctor Ruby - let's figure out where we go from here."


Lilith arrived in person a few hours later, after Sam had fallen into a restless sleep. She blinked at him and frowned at Ruby. "He is unrestrained?"

Ruby took refuge in the truth. "I was unable to find some he could not escape. It's all right, though. I'm in no danger."

"From him? Have you lost your mind, Ruby? He and his brother hunt D'monae like animals!"

Ruby crossed her arms, looking Lilith steadily in the eyes. "Did you or did you not command me to use any means at my disposal to make him see the wisdom of housing our king?"

"What are you saying, Ruby?" Lilith snarled. "Speak plain!"

"I am saying that I am doing as you ordered me! I am using any and all means at my disposal to gain his allegiance and sway him to the correct side!"

"I am not sure that I approve of this particular means of... persuasion. Too much can go wrong."

"Much can go right, too," Ruby said.

Lilith crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine. But if it takes too long, I shall take measures to speed things along. Carry on." She swept out of the medical bay like a force of nature.

Ruby blew the air out of her cheeks, sinking into the chair by the desk and dropping her face into her hands.

"I was right," Sam sighed from the bed. "She is insane."

Gasping, Ruby spun in the chair. "How long were you---"

"The entire time."

"Then you heard what I --"

Sam sat up. "Ruby, you may have started this by following her orders, but now I think the only 'side' you're on is your own. And it just so happens to be the side I'm on as well."

She sighed and ran a hand over her forehead. "I still don't know what to do...... What would you do in a situation like this?"

"Gather information," Sam said with no hesitation whatsoever.

Over the next few hours, that is exactly what Ruby did. She spoke to every member of the Ingenue's crew and found that most of them had no idea of any "grand plan". Most were muscle or drudge-techs and didn't care for anything beyond their next task.

Those that did know of plans afoot had only half the story or a different story altogether. It began to become painfully obvious that the D'monae were not as united as Ruby had believed them to be.

As a matter of fact, some of the stories - particularly those from the ones completely loyal to Lilith - took on an air of almost religious fanaticism. The D'monae king that they were trying to summon was named Lucifer and he was going to save all of the D'monae from the humans and the N'gellae. There was going to be paradise built on rivers of blood.

Never mind that most of the D'monae had no idea what a river even was. They just knew that this was coming.

And that it would all begin to come to pass once Lucifer possessed Sam Winchester and fought the N'gellae prince Michael, who would be wearing Dean Winchester. The fact that Dean Winchester was dead was immaterial. It would still happen.

Because it was forespoken.

It was an extremely shaken Ruby who returned to the medical bay. "It's madness," she breathed into his neck as he sat on the bed, holding her close. "Everything is wrong. Nothing is what I thought it was. I have to stop this, but I don't know how without taking over the ship."

Sam ran a palm up and down her spine. "Then we take over the ship."

Her head snapped up so fast she felt her neck spasm briefly, and she gazed at him with wide eyes. "You're joking."


"This is a ship of D'monae."

"And you're D'monae. Second in command, if I understand right."

"You have no idea what you're asking of me!"

"Enlighten me." His dimples appeared as he smiled.

"They are loyal to Lilith!"

"Some of them, yes."

"It's suicide!"

The pneumatic doors to the medical bay swished open and a cold laugh answered Ruby. "You're right, Ruby. It's suicide. And it looks as though you're taking the first step toward it."

Ruby and Sam slowly rose to their feet and turned to face the door. "Lilith," Ruby ground out. "What are you talking about?"

"I find you plotting against me," she said, stepping forward. In her hand rested an ancient projectile weapon.

Sam swore softly. "I see you found the Colt."

"Is that what this is?" Lilith smiled. "All I know is these runes say it can kill D'monae."

"It's centuries old," Sam says. "And yes, it can kill D'monae."

"Perfect," Lilith purred. "One less traitor. And with her gone - one heartbroken Winchester, loses someone else close to him, perfectly groomed for our king!" With that, she pulled the trigger.

Or rather, she tried to. She frowned at it when the trigger didn't move and she tried again - with the same result.

And Sam lunged. With the speed of a laser bolt, he had Lilith on the floor at his feet and the Colt in his hand, pointed at her. "I knew you couldn't use this."

Lilith just glared at him, and Ruby found her voice enough to ask, "She....can't? Because she's D'monae?"

"Nope," Sam said with a genuinely amused grin. "She's lived all her life on ships. Like you."

"Yes," Ruby said slowly. "So...."

"So, she's never seen a true gun before. So she wouldn't know...." He raised his thumb slightly and a 'click' sounded. "....how to turn off the safety. Or...." The thumb raised again and part of the gun inched backward as he applied pressure. "That the hammer has to be pulled back."

"Lilith," Ruby said, hands spread to each side. "It's not too late. We can still work together and--"

Lilith shook her head, her eyes completely lost to madness. "And now it is time for the entrance! All the signs are not yet in place, but the last one can still happen!" She lunged and grabbed Sam's hand in both of hers, forcing it to close.

There was a deafening explosion and Lilith broke into a wide smile as she slowly sank to the floor of the medical bay, her bones lighting with orange-yellow fire. "......now......he will.....come...."

Then she was silent and still.

Sam looked at the smoking gun in his hand and flung it to the side. "Why did she do that?" he snarled. "She was completely mad!"

"Sam?" Ruby whispered. ".....are you.....is he...."

"Still me, Ruby. Sam Winchester, 100 percent. She was completely insane." He looked her in the eye. "And as her second, the Ingenue now is yours to command."

She took a deep breath and nodded. She moved to the comm and activated it. "Attention, attention. The captain is dead - at her own hand. We have --"

Before she could say anything else, alert lights flared and a siren sounded.

Sam gasped, "What's going on?"

"Proximity alert," Ruby ground out. "Ship in the area! Come on!" She grabbed Sam's hand and they set off at a run.


Bursting onto the Bridge of the Ingenue, Ruby saw the crew assembling at battle stations. "What's going on?" she demanded.

"Incoming transmission, ma'am," the tech replied, looking at her board. "Should I--"

"Yes," Ruby nodded, squeezing Sam's hand. "Play it."

Seconds later, a deep voice that fairly vibrated with power erupted onto the Bridge. "Prepare to be boarded,Ingenue. Drop your shields and prepare to be boarded."

Ruby stepped forward, still holding Sam's hand. "And why would we do that?"

The screen suddenly flared to life and everyone on the bridge gasped when a slightly older Sam Winchester appeared on the screen, the white of his tunic jarring with the sun-darkened skin. "Because I am telling you to."

Despite her shock, Ruby managed to choke out, "And.... And who are you, to c-command--"

"My name is Lucifer,"the man spat. "And you have it completely wrong!"

"Lucifer?" Ruby gasped. "As in...."

"Yes," he said, almost as if he were bored. "As in the creature you claim as your king. And in that capacity, I say again - Lower. Your. Shields."

Ruby nodded. "Yes, sir! Lower the shields!"

Almost instantly, three columns of white-blue light appeared on the bridge. They solidified and three figures stepped from them.

One of them, in white from head to toe, was the one who had identified himself as Lucifer. Another, slightly smaller and visibly older, had salt and pepper hair and beard and was dressed in light grey.

The third was smaller than them both, with dark blond hair pulled away from his face in soft spikes. Ruby was suddenly aware that Sam had released her hand and was across the bridge in two long strides, flinging his arms around this one with a shriek of "Dean!"

"Sammy," the brother whispered, hugging him tight before pulling back and putting his hands on his shoulders, tilting his head up to look him over. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," Sam said. "Truly, I'm fine. Ruby's taken great care of me."

She nodded, stepping forward. "We have kept him in peak physical condition for you, milord."

"For me," Lucifer said. He let out a laugh and turned to face the man who had yet to speak. "Did you hear that, Michael? He was kept in good shape for me."

A rough chuckle and the older man said in a voice like soft thunder, "They do, indeed, have it all wrong, don't they?"

Ruby's eyes widened and she stumbled a step back. "Michael? You.... you are Michael --- and yet there stands Dean Winchester?"

"Yeah," Dean said slowly. "About that.... Is there somewhere we can sit down? We got a lot to explain."

Lucifer raised his chin. "Wait....where is your captain?"

"Dead," Sam said. "Lilith is dead."

Lucifer's eyes widened. "Lilith, you say? And let me guess, her death was supposed to open a portal and allow me to possess your body?" he addressed Sam.

"We killed her too soon," Ruby said, hanging her head. "All of the signs were not yet in place for---"

Lucifer threw back his head and laughed loudly. Michael looked amused but very sad.

Sam tugged on Dean's arm. ".....what's going on?"

"Come on, Sammy," Dean said. "Let's go sit down. It'll all be explained, I promise."


Once the doors had closed behind the quartet, Sam threw his arms around Dean again. "I thought you were dead!"

Dean chuckled. "Well, the reports of my death are a bit premature."

Sam stepped back, looking him over. "How in the seven hells did you survive that blast? And what the hell was that 'get outta here, Sammy, I'm right behind you' and then you launching me?"

Dean gestured at Michael and Lucifer. "The N'gellae saved me. I managed to get to the bridge and launch it alone as a lifeboat, and their ship picked me up. As for launching you ---" He shrugged. "I wanted you safe."

"Dammit, Dean, it's my job to take care of you!"

"Because you're the big brother, blah, blah, blah. We take care of each other, Sammy, how many times do I have to tell you that!"

Ruby frowned. "Big...." She went to the wall of the conference room and found a portable medical scanner, which she ran over Dean. "........genetic descendant of Mary and James Winchester.... age --- 19." She looked up, eyes huge. ".....D'monae protein marker in his blood. You're the younger son!"

Lucifer was chuckling again. "You grabbed the wrong brother."

Now it was Ruby's turn to burst out, "What in hell is going on here?"

Michael gestured. "Sit down. We'll explain."

They all sat and Ruby asked, "Are you really the Lucifer that's our king? And why are you working with the N'gellae prince?"

"I am who you claim as your king, yes," Lucifer said slowly. "But you claim wrongly. Angels and demons - N'gellae and D'monae, as lingual drift renamed us - we're one race. One made of something called grace, the other made of smoke and sulfur - but we began as one race. And I am nobody's king now. That time is long past."

Michael spoke, "Our task now is to work among the stars, to make our peace with humanity and the other races that exist here. It is...." he looked at Lucifer.

"It is our penance," Lucifer said. "For triggering the Apocalypse too early."

"See," Dean said, gesturing at Ruby. "That's what Lilith and her like were trying to do - break forespoken seals and use her own blood in death to force Lucifer out of imprisonment and into one of our bodies so the Apocalypse - the final act - could happen."

"But the - what did you call it, the Colt?" Ruby asked and Sam nodded. "It killed her, and nothing happened."

"Because the original Lilith, the first demon, was killed centuries ago," Lucifer said calmly. "That was the final seal to break the Cage open and release - me. That battle was fought and won--"

"-- or lost," Michael interrupted.

"-or lost," Lucifer agreed, with a nod. "Depending upon your interpretation, a mere handful of years after I was released. The Apocalypse happened hundreds upon hundreds of years ago. The Earth was scoured and scourged until the angels left and took pockets of humanity with them."

"Here," Michael said, waving his hand. "Into space. And when Lucifer was the only living thing left upon Earth - he took to space as well."

"What can I say? I got bored." Lucifer chuckled. "I drifted for centuries, watching humanity rebuild itself out here. And then Father grabbed me and my own big brother, here, sat us down and basically told us to shut up and work together for the good of everything."

Michael grinned. "You're not bored now."

Lucifer shrugged. "Gotta admit, working with you is never dull."

"So you're wearing...." Ruby said slowly.

"Sam Winchester," Lucifer said. "The original, the one that was - indeed - forespoken, as you put it. And Michael is wearing his father John's body. He had no need of it, so...."

Sam piped up, "And is that Sam--"

"In Heaven," Michael interrupted. "With his brother Dean. We are alone in these forms."

Lucifer pointed at the brothers. "You are descended from their half-brother Adam. He met a bad end, but his girlfriend was pregnant and the bloodline continued."

"Centuries ago," Ruby breathed. "That's why Lilith couldn't work your antique firearm - it was from that time, wasn't it?"

"It was," Dean said. "And it was old then!"

Silence fell, and then Michael nudged his brother. "Tell them the rest."

"Oh, yes. The rest." Lucifer leaned forward. "You two brothers - and you as well, Ruby, if you want it - have a new mission. If you choose to accept."

"What is it?" the two brothers and Ruby asked together.

"Take this ship. Use it to help humanity, to explore." Lucifer leaned back. "We shall remove the most fanatical of the D'monae from it and replace them with a crew of N'gellae and humans. Three races, working together for the benefit of everyone. How does that sound to you?"

Ruby held up a hand. "Hold on - why is there D'monae protein markers in his blood if not to prime him to---"

Michael interrupted, "Because there have always been pockets of fanatics who have tried to mark every generation of Winchester that happened to produce a Sam and a Dean from a mother named Mary and a father with the last name of Winchester. Usually it's a John, but this time around it happened to be a James. This was their third try, and it was just incredible bad luck that a Lilith happened to be present this time around."

"This is the last time this will happen," Lucifer said, his eyes blazing. "We will make certain of it."

Dean sighed. "I dunno, Sam - three races on one ship, working together? Sure we won't all kill each other?"

Lucifer broke into a grin again. "That, Dean, is the reason we will be populating this ship with those who will work with each other, not destroy each other."

Sam squeezed Ruby's hand. "It's your ship, Ruby. What do you say?"

She studied the table, and then looked up with a grin. "What the hell. Sounds like fun!"

As they stood to leave the conference room, Dean asked, "Just one thing - can we change the name of the ship?"

"To what?" Ruby asked.

"I kind'a like Impala-- sounds powerful and sleek."

Sam laughed. "You would!"

Ruby laughed as well. "First place we find to resupply - we'll do that. Ingenue just - never seemed to fit."

And several hours later, watching the N'gellae ship depart with one pair of ancient brothers, Ruby looked around at her larger crew. Now it was varied and unique.

She smiled at Sam and Dean, who were quietly bickering in the corner over something important only to them.

New crew. New mission. No, the old life never seemed to fit this Ruby that had come into existence once they had taken over the Ingenue.

Perhaps co-commanding the Impala with the Winchester brothers would be a better life for her.

Time would tell.


minibang, fic, collabourations, spn, au

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