this will most likely BORE you guys, but it has to be said

Oct 11, 2005 17:26

i am still very much in love with my ex-boyfriend, brandon ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

nickyfer October 12 2005, 09:56:51 UTC
you're going to miss him forever and always wonder "what would have happened if..." .. unless you at least tell him something.. i think.. maybe..


jealous_envy October 12 2005, 11:11:31 UTC
but its so hard to talk to him anymore...


nickyfer October 12 2005, 18:18:04 UTC
mmm, if you really can't talk to him, maybe you could try writing him a letter or email or something.. i know that sounds stupid but if you have your say, one way or another, then whatever's going to happen, will not be your fault.. =|


jealous_envy October 13 2005, 20:00:48 UTC
well, ive attempted to email him before, then i found out he doesnt even check his emails. but writing hims not a bad idea...


jesdin October 12 2005, 18:04:15 UTC
Aww... I know how you feel, you should try talking to him...From what I've read, it seems that he likes you! :)


jealous_envy October 13 2005, 20:01:29 UTC
thats what ive been thinking... but im not 100% sure


histories October 13 2005, 00:16:10 UTC


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