SG-1/SGA Mid-Season Finale :: Running Commentary

Sep 23, 2006 17:41

Written live-ish(had to check a book-"PB") yesterday by your's truly. It was typed up by 2am on the 23rd, but I didn't post until about 3pm(then had to repost)

Some of my reactions maybe a little strong to some of you, but remember this was all new to me. I didn't read a single spoiler for either episode. And I was writing most of this during the ( Read more... )

tv: stargate atlantis, tv: scifi friday, tv: stargate sg1, tv boyfriend, jazz commentary, booksmovies: lord of the rings

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Comments 25

firstanointed September 23 2006, 21:53:50 UTC
-Baal: He’s tiny. Have him squeeze through the bars.
Teal’c: Assist us, or I will squeeze you through the bars!

*ROFLMAO* I loved that!!

OMG Baal/Adria OTP!

YES!! Ba'drial, sistah!!!

OK, my opinion of Elizabeth Weir has grown exponentially. I just never knew she had so much potential awesome in her.

Ditto there. I still think she's kind of a nincompoop, but I understand where she's coming from.

Overall, I liked the SGA cliffie best. I mean...Reppies. HOO AH!!! I'm not so hot on the SGA folks rescuing Jack and company...but I guess they deserve to rack up some more hero points, so...*shrug* :P

*now needs a replicator icon*


jazmin22 September 23 2006, 22:21:33 UTC
*ROFLMAO* I loved that!!
I think that I actually the BWAH in the "BWAHAHAHA!"

YES!! Ba'drial, sistah!!!
I was trying to think of what the compound ship name would be for those two. Now I know. :)

Overall, I liked the SGA cliffie best. I mean...Reppies. HOO AH!!!
Yeah, SGA as a series has taken the #1 spot followed by SG-1 at #2 for my fav TV show. As for the cliffies, I agree. I like that technically the team isn't in danger like they usually are put in, say like in The Storm/The Eye cliffie. It's a different tpye of danger.


lmichelle599 September 23 2006, 23:36:28 UTC

I had hoped Vala would've spoken up when Daniel and Adria walked across the bridge. She didn't say anything and just let her Daniel go with Adria (who looks like she wants to eat him for dinner) without saying a word. *slaps Vala* If I was Vala, I'd try to get out of Adria what her plans are for Daniel. Adria probably wouldn't tell her, but she still feels something for her mother, so it'd be worth a shot.


jazmin22 September 24 2006, 00:44:48 UTC
Yes, I do agree that Vala should have put a fight of sorts. Even if she knew Adria wasn't going to let her...

I may have held it against Vala but I am still high on the whole hairdryer thing, and her other adorable moments.


lmichelle599 September 24 2006, 01:27:12 UTC

LOL! I know. Where the frell did she think she was going to plug that thing in? ;)


jazmin22 September 24 2006, 15:38:06 UTC
Exactly! :D MAybe it has batteries? But they run out fast than you could say Stargate.

And did you see when she pulled it, she look ed at it and was like "...No..." and started to look for something else to sacrifice? And then Daniel just yanked it out her hand. Good stuff, good stuff...


I love Martin Gero and John Sheppard obsidianagirl September 24 2006, 00:36:10 UTC
I thought I was wrong and dug out my Princess Bride Book because I just knew it was a literary quote.

He's a fan enough to quote and admit he saw the movie, but he doesn't out right admit the quote was the book version....

What a guy! I love him...I loved this episode.

Hate Hiatis...Hiatus...ah, hell I can't ever get that one right.



Re: I love Martin Gero and John Sheppard (Me Too!) jazmin22 September 24 2006, 00:51:36 UTC
I sat there for 5 minutes before I realised I couldn't place the quote to the character's voice while the said it. Since it was in the book, I couldn't hear it beig said. I had to wait till the end of the ep to go searching for the quote in my copy.

He's a fan enough to quote and admit he saw the movie, but he doesn't out right admit the quote was the book version....
Exactly, and since most people know that PB is such a quotable movie, few outside of the uber-PB fans would call him on it. The non-uber-PB fans would be like "Hey that is just one of the quotes I don't know". But people who have seen the movie a million times and read the book and recite the lines with character catch on to it quick.

Hiatus, right the second time. I hate it too! 6 months this time, is it not?


Re: I love Martin Gero and John Sheppard (Me Too!) obsidianagirl September 24 2006, 01:13:01 UTC
I don't know but I feel vendicated that John is into Princess Bride and the movie...Do you think he has an edict memory?

In, 'McKay and Mrs. Miller', His alternate was a know it all and if you notice...Rod was sitting the way John used to sit in the briefing room when they had their talks...'Storm'.

They are right...SMART IS SEXY!



Okay more from me... obsidianagirl September 24 2006, 00:52:59 UTC
I love the Weir/McKay Ship
I love John and his almost Jack like dislike for the new team.
Poor Marion Wallace losing his listing on the now pilphered Jumper approved drivers. Getting dropped by John and then Zatted...I am so for Zatting the emo...He had that whining quality to his voice that grates in a soldier.

LOVED the John and Teyla bits....I love whoever wrote this episode....le sigh.

Ronon looked hell-a lickable with his dreds down. Yeap, love da, RONON.

I like any scene that entails Carson sayin', My wee baby...anything. I love Carson.

Those bastages takin' our teams home...serves them right...Yeah, I can so see Jack keeping Woolsey safe, and teaching him how to shoot...just point and click you fool.

Ladon was looking sickly...I hope they fixed their shielding around their bomb research...

Yeah, the Genii are the best game in town without the Earthlings, but they plan to use Teyla and Ronon to do all the dirty work...I could see right through that, '... tasks for which you are uniquelly qualified...bastage!'



Re: Okay more from me... jazmin22 September 24 2006, 01:05:28 UTC
I love the Weir/McKay Ship.
I like them too. I also like Weir/Ronon, and McKay/Teyla or McKay/Cadman.

I love John and his almost Jack like dislike for the new team.
He also does the rolly up sleeves and has toy model airplanes like Jack. Maybe Jack gave his planes to John.

LOVED the John and Teyla bits....I love whoever wrote this episode....le sigh.
Martin Gero wrote this episode...we were just talking about that above. Silly. Also loved the John and

Ronon looked hell-a lickable with his dreds down. Yeap, love da, RONON.
I like any scene that entails Carson sayin', My wee baby...anything. I love Carson.
Agreed and agreed! Ronon is so lickable this episode, especially for an ep that has so many sad bits he smile a lot in it. Carson's accent makes me melt.

Those bastages takin' our teams home...serves them right...Yeah, I can so see Jack keeping Woolsey safe, and teaching him how to shoot...just point and click you fool.I SO agree with you about ~them~. And did you see the last message the SGC got from Jack and ( ... )


Re: Okay more from me... obsidianagirl September 24 2006, 01:22:49 UTC
WOOLSEY: That guy smacks of not being as stupid and plyable as we have been lead to belief. I think I first thought that when he so masterfully felt Caldwell out on whether he would sell Wier and Sheppard out for his original and coveted position in Atlantis.

That was sneaky...I nsmell a kipper snack there...not sure what to make of him.

And my PRINCESS BRIDE fetish...

I don't know but I feel vendicated that John is into Princess Bride th ebook and the movie...Do you think he has an edict memory?

In, 'McKay and Mrs. Miller', His alternate was a know it all and if you notice...Rod was sitting the way John used to sit in the briefing room when they had their talks...'Storm'.

Sudoku books I can do them, but it takes a hell-a long time...*whispers* and sometimes I cheat...*normal voice* but only sometimes and only when I feel crappy anyway.

Love John...Love Ronon...LOVE Carson and Rodney...our show has great guys in it...

Now, if we could just find one in RL.

They are right...SMART IS SEXY!



Re: Okay more from me... jazmin22 September 24 2006, 15:35:26 UTC
The Stargate shows have the best guys ever. Gook luck finding one in RL.

Sometimes I cheat in my Sudoku books to, but only on the higher level ones.

Woolsey: I've liked him for awhile. People give him a lot of crap. Bt he is good at his job and good with words and politics. Sometimes he may not seem like it but he is on the side of good, it's just that he likes to stick to the rules more than SG-1 or SGA-1. Remember back in season 7 or 8, Kinsey was trying to get the President to shut down Hammond and SG-1? Well, even though Woolsey was assisting him, once he found out that Kinsey's motivation was less than honorable, he went to th Prez in secret and tol him to watch out for Kinsey. And Jack now seems to like him well enoough too.


trystan830 September 24 2006, 02:42:08 UTC
i love your commentary of SG1... is it January yet????


jazmin22 September 24 2006, 15:42:38 UTC
Thanks!... I was wonder the impression that it would actually be longer than that. *checks internet* Yeah, Sg-1 and Atlantis are not coming back until MARCH! *boo,hiss*


trystan830 September 24 2006, 19:08:31 UTC

ususally they come back for the rest of the season in January. maybe it's cause this is the last season? no idea.

*kicks scifi*


jazmin22 September 24 2006, 19:13:42 UTC
No, it's not cause it's the last seaon; 1. Atlantis is also away till March. and 2. I am pretty sure that was the plan before the cancelation was announced.

Canada doesn't have to way 6 months. I'll be downloading them. I don't htink I can wait that long.

I wonder how it's going to work with the iTunes/iPod downloads.


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