Sep 28, 2007 21:58

As the best case in point (save for one) of how CSI is when it doesn't stumble all over itself -- ( Gum Drops, or How to do a simply perfect job with a single episode. )

gum drops, csi, nicky

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Comments 13

gretazreta September 29 2007, 04:29:10 UTC
I might even like Gum Drops more than Grave Danger... I just adore the cinematic sweep of story telling, with the disembodied narration that frames it. And it's Nickcentric,sure, but it's also the team working together, and all the insights into the characters pertain to the case. And you really get the sense of Nick working (bravely,quietly) through his post-GD issues. He's a survivor, here, trying to save someone else. I <3 that, so much ( ... )


janissa11 September 29 2007, 15:05:05 UTC
Cassie's voice gives the feeling that Sage is right, that Nick's hearing Cassie only in his mind. I love that -- although it's shown at the end to be just an effect, it works SO well.

I think Stalker is a fabulous episode, and really, Gum Drops was layered because in part of what had come before, of course. It's kinda hard to imagine it as Gil in that role -- I mean, over the years Nick has been through SO much, unarguably more than the others in terms of having a target painted on his back, and although it would have been interesting with Gil, it was SHATTERING with Nick.

Damn, now I want to watch it AGAIN. And I miss Nicky. He was my main squeeze for a LOOOONG time.


dcdiva September 29 2007, 04:29:33 UTC
That's what blows my mind about Gum Drops, every time I watch it. It's one of my top five favorite eps, and so much of it is quality, yet it was originally written as something SO different.

I often wonder where they were possibly planning to fit in all that scandalous GSR hotel room stuff.


janissa11 September 29 2007, 15:06:26 UTC
Ugh. All things considered, I don't even WANT to think about that proto-scene. It would have lowered the bar for the ep considerably IMO. This way the ep is so pure -- it is so focused on Cassie and her family, through Nick's super-sharp lens. I LOVE that.


dcdiva September 29 2007, 20:30:44 UTC
I totally agree. While I'm not happy a death in WP's family necessitated his absence, the change in the story's focus made it what i'm sure was a stronger episode.


foofasaurus September 29 2007, 06:18:20 UTC
I think one reason I love Gum Drops so much, aside from everything you already mentioned, is that it's a testament to George Eads' acting. What makes the scene with Sage so compelling is that GE takes what would have been a pleasant, but ultimately throw-away conversation, and makes it deeply layered and meaningful. From his reaction to the third eye and feminine energy comments, to his polite, amiable "no ma'am" to her question about past lives, to his slightly hitched, sweetly-delivered explanation that he's just trying to make it through this one, to the way he thanked her. SO much happened in that tiny little scene, and almost all of it is thanks to GE (and his chemistry with the guest star who played Sage).

It wasn't the first time we saw Nick with a child, but for some reason it was the first time I really thought about what he'd be like as a father. *grins* Just something about his connection with Cassie, I guess. I'd love to see a return visit to Pioche, or the appearance of Sage or Cassie in Vegas. I'm shameless.


janissa11 September 29 2007, 15:09:46 UTC
GE played that scene so perfectly, I actually just sat there last night with my mouth open, because I was so touched. He's just NOT the new-agey kinda person, at least not to HIM, but his empathy and innate kindness spill out all over. It's impossible to miss it -- it's what Sage SEES. Nick thinks of himself as this ordinary guy, just doing his job, and yet everyone ELSE can see something else, deeper, and it is a huge part of Nick's power that he is the only one who does not realize how much of a -- receiver he is, how wide-open he is to emotions and subtleties.

I still have fantasies about Nick adopting Cassie. I wanted to write that story so bad.


foofasaurus September 29 2007, 15:54:46 UTC
YES. *flappy hands* A wide-open receiver, exactly. And it applies to him all around, not just how he does his job. I love the idea that this is how Nick always is - third eye wide open and strong with feminine energy, all that openness and empathy put to use when he's working a case. This time it brought him the conviction that Cassie was alive. Other times it made him tear up with families of lost loved ones. And other times it's made him so sick with anger and grief at the things he sees that he makes comments about the job getting to him ( ... )


elmyraemilie September 29 2007, 13:17:43 UTC

You know, I have to confess that I'm envious of the SGA fans on LJ and IJ. Their show is back on, and they're squeeing and happy and making screen caps. CSI is back on, and we're thinking with longing of previous seasons and staring at plot holes the size of Denalis.



janissa11 September 29 2007, 15:11:06 UTC
No question that CSI jumped the shark some time back. It IS sad that we gotta go back a few years to find the goodness. And right now I'm missing Nicky so bad I ACHE. Gum Drops just brought it all back. Nick is truly a remarkable, layered, fascinating character.


beledibabe September 29 2007, 14:07:56 UTC
Gum Drops?

My. Favorite. Ep. Ever.

Bar none. Not even Grave Danger (which STILL scares the shit outta me!).

For all the reasons everyone's given, plus Nick's tenacious, unshakeable, absolute conviction that she's still alive.


janissa11 September 29 2007, 15:14:49 UTC
I'm not sure what it would have done to him if she hadn't survived. At the same time, I'm also not sure that he'd have believed that hard she was alive if she wasn't. Does that make sense? I think Nick just KNEW. And that is another part of what makes this the best episode ever -- because Nick denies his insight to Sage, Nick never calls it anything but doing his job, and yet it's this amazing combination of faith and, well, vision. I think Nick's third eye IS wide-open, I think he's at any time a hell of an empathic receiver, but this time he KNEW. He just KNEW.

He also knew that the clock was ticking, of course. But Nick's faith comes from something in addition to his "I was rescued" line. It's that, too, but it's something deeper than that, and I think it sums up Nick himself beautifully.

GOD. I miss Nick so bad it's HURTING ME. There are just no words for how much I've loved and love that character. DAMN.


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