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Comments 10

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janissa11 April 15 2006, 06:48:55 UTC
Ah, I did miss the bars. Doh. *g* Sorry, guys. *pets*

I hope it is nothing. I did the cancer thing with all but four of my rattie babies, and Sophie has been with me ALL HER LIFE, so I'm very scared of surgeries and etc. *sigh* Plus, you know, PMS and tax day and feh. I want to go back to bed, which will be tough, seeing as how I'm now at work. *glares at ER*


sargraf April 15 2006, 06:33:43 UTC
*lol* I found myself getting protective of the Impala, saying out loud, "Hey, don't diss her! She's got heart." So much love for that car. ...And Dean in the gray shirt. Mmm!

Not sure about the window (my TiVo recording of the ep went wonky, so I can't re-watch it *cries*), but I seem to remember it had bars? Maybe it wouldn't have made a difference if he broke the glass, since nobody could get in or out through there. On the other hand, surely the lady had some other way of getting into her house?

The episode was fun, but there were parts of it that I found very disappointing, taken as a whole with the rest of the season in mind. But I'm trying to convince myself that I'm being too nitpicky. It was a run ride, overall.

I hope Sophie will be okay. Is she your dog..? Cat? *hugs*


janissa11 April 15 2006, 06:53:10 UTC
I would KILL for Dean's car. *glares*

The bars, yeah, I missed. I did a torrent of it last night, so I'll view again, I'm sure.

Well, the plot was...all right. For one thing, it bugged me that it didn't look anything like a painting to me. It looked like a retouched photograph, and they kept calling it a painting, and I was like, buh? *shrug* We were also missing any kind of explanation on the little girl, weren't we? I mean, it was really a throwaway line that she was adopted -- did I miss her story? It is ENTIRELY possible. I'm...distracted the past couple of days.

Sophie is my kitty.


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janissa11 April 15 2006, 08:58:51 UTC
Well, my review is clearly affected by my grotty morning. *g* because I totally screwed it all up! LOL!

Thanks! I'm scared she's not okay, but we shall see.


mickeym April 15 2006, 10:00:10 UTC
Man, hugs for you and Sophie. {{{{{Emmers}}}}} My kitty would be turning 16 this weekend :( But it could just be a nothing, which I hope it is.

I'm cranky and stressed and I'm not even PMSing. Heh. Maybe the moon and weather changes, probably not helping (either of us).

*snuggles you*


janissa11 April 15 2006, 11:03:05 UTC
*snuggles right back* *sighs* *also leers at your icon*


1trackmind April 15 2006, 14:20:50 UTC
Here's the thing about that ep. Someone else pointed out (I think it may have been drsvilla that in "Route 666" it's this huge amazing thing when Sam finds out that Dean told Cassie about what they do. And this time it's eh, why not.


janissa11 April 15 2006, 14:22:31 UTC
Shit, you know, I DID notice that when I was watching. It was such a blip, gone if you blink, and I was going, Wait, isn't that a big deal, I mean, you never told JESS about this and now...buh?

But I totally forgot about it, because my brain is sieve-like.



andromakhe001 April 15 2006, 22:19:49 UTC
I think it makes sense, she was already involved. It actually would have been kind of stupid not to tell her, esp. if they might have needed her help for some reason afterwards. It's not like she's just some girl Sam was interested in, went out with a few times but had no involvement whatsoever. Sam only met her because he needed information to do the job.

Hope your kitty's okay. She looks so sweet in that picture. :)


emella April 16 2006, 09:16:06 UTC
Okay, I'm sort of freaked out.

You like supernatural, I like supernatural. You like firefly, I like firefly. You like slash, I like slash. You write fic, I write fic. Your name is Emily, my name is Emily. You have a pet named Sophie, I have a pet named Sofie.

Freaky weird.

No too-long establishing shots, that sort of thing -- the long pan over the cars at the beginning was absolutely brilliant. Poor Impala. Dean ought to be ashamed -- she needs a bath, BAD. Rotten Dean, not seeing to his chariot's needs before his own. What was he thinking?

I loved the look of the ep too, and the whole thing with the Impala was so funny/cute. :D

didn't think the girl was all that -- she was fine for a BotW, no problem -- but I enjoyed her interplay with Sam, and esp Sam's awkwardness -- beautifully played.She wasn't horrible, but she was just meh... What does BotW mean ( ... )


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