the wire - where I actually finished and I ramble about S3/4/5

Oct 02, 2012 23:03

You know when I said I got dvds and I was planning to catch up like four years after I started watching this show? Yeah. Right. It happened that I finished three seasons in a week. Various probably not coherent rambling under the cut, though if I had to sum it up in one word, that'd probably be flawless. Even if I think I'm emotionally broken.

spoilers. spoilers. and spoilers. )

the wire, well this is a long post

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Comments 13

irisparry October 2 2012, 23:02:42 UTC
THIS IS A WONDERFUL POST AND YOU SHOULD BE PROUD. Tickled me especially because I started a Wire re-watch today, saw the first 4 episodes in a binge just before I read your post! Great minds and all that. :oD ( ... )


janie_tangerine October 2 2012, 23:18:58 UTC
OH I AM VERY PROUD. ;) and I love this show so much ugh it's not even funny. <3 great minds think alike indeed! I should re-watch S1 and S2 soon....

.. I KNOW. STRINGER. STRIIINGEEER <33333 I LIKED HIM A LOT, OKAY. And I loved how they played his relationship with Avon throughout the entire thing - and okay, guy was a ruthless drug dealer etcetera but I just really wanted him to become legitimate. Yeah, well, wasn't meant to be, though I was pissed that *Marlo* did it when he didn't even care. *glares* ... STRINGER. DDDDDD:

Him kicking Maurice Levy's ass in court in s2 is one of my all-time favourite TV moments, seriously.AMEN. Omar is my favorite ever, the end ( ... )


sevvy23 October 2 2012, 23:20:52 UTC
So... OMG, so much to say!!! First of all, thank you for reminding me how much I loved this show and how I'm still totally emotionally devastated by it! I just... man, those characters feel so real, you know? Anyway...
Season 3
a): If it's wrong to root Stringer Bell I DON'T WANNA BE RIGHT!! I mean, I had a few issues with him in s02, but Idris Elba is awesome and I love him like crazy, and Stringer was soooo great in s03 I just don't see how you could not love him.
b)How incredibly awesome was that, really?? I mean, I was crushed b/c STRINGER DDD: but Omar is just.. He's probably one of the best tv characters ever. The End.
c)... see letter I'll be sending to Dom West anyday now! ;)
d) & e) Word. Just WORD!! Colvin's such a DECENT PERSON, Carver rules and Herc disgust me.


sevvy23 October 2 2012, 23:24:47 UTC
Season 5
a,b,c)I honestly don't know what to think of the whole false SK thing. It's so fucked up and Bleh and Blurg (yeah I'm very articulate, lol) but on the other hand I can see where McNulty's coming from, why he thinks that's a good idea etc. I.. really don't know what to think, if Graggs was right to denounce him at the end, I.. don't know. I love Bunk's position tho, like, 'do what you think you have to do but don't involve me in your bs COZ I'M REAL POLICE (I <3 BUNKS OK?!)

d)There is no words to express how happy I was with Bubbles storyline this season. Seeing him overcome his addiction and finally being allowed upstairs was probably the most joyous moment of the season for me. <3 <3 <3 ( ... )


janie_tangerine October 3 2012, 10:00:30 UTC
a/b/c) I though it was suicidal, but it makes you seriously wonder how fucked up the system is if in order to get money you have to fake serial murders. It was totally in McNulty's fashion though, so I didn't find it contrived or OOC. I can also see Greggs' point - I wouldn't have told Daniels but I'm also an ends justify the means half of the time person, so... I don't know either. But yes, it did prove that Bunk was the best. <33333333 HE'S REAL POLICE YO.


e) Except that yeah. I mean, I couldn't be 100% happy when I KNEW THAT SOMEONE ELSE WAS AT HIS PLACE ALREADY DDDD: DUKIE WHY DDDDD: WHYYYYY DDDDDD: *sobs* my headcanon is never not right okay? IT'S NOT. #denial

f) They were adorable in S1 and they're adorable now <333333333 even if I'm sure that Shardene wasn't going to object if Lester went cuddling with Jimmy lololol ( ... )


janie_tangerine October 3 2012, 09:47:48 UTC
Emotional devastation would be the right word DDDDD ( ... )


elliotsmelliot October 4 2012, 00:45:17 UTC
Wow! I bet you need Steve Earle to be your sponsor as you digest one week + three seasons + many tragic deaths. It was nice taking a trip down memory lane through your squee. I think our only difference of opinion is that I liked Snoop.

I agree that Deadwood has something special about it that makes me want to watch it over and over.


janie_tangerine October 4 2012, 11:31:30 UTC
I could totally do with Steve Earle knocking at my door and being my emotional-devastation sponsor, that would probably help me get myself back together after the overdose.. ;) but it was totally worth it! Meh, my feelings for Snoop are pretty complicated - while objectively I get that she's actually a *good* character and the fact that she was playing pretty much herself just added to it, it still didn't trump the subjective aka that if you follow orders without questioning them and you don't stop at torturing and killing blind me I'll never be able to like you. But I suppose it was half the point of it.

I suppose Deadwood can't be beaten by anything for me. But this one comes really, really close.


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janie_tangerine October 4 2012, 11:35:11 UTC
IT WOULD TOTALLY BE FIRST FOR ME IF IT WASN'T FOR DEADWOOD. (Deadwood >>> the rest. The end.) AND YES OMAR LITTLE IS A LEGEND DKFSKDHFKG I CANNOT FIND A BETTER WAY TO PUT IT. And hahahahahahah well McNulty is a very likable dick. But then again I liked Jaime Lannister from the get go, I'm not the right person to be objective about charming assholes.........



fosfomifira October 4 2012, 14:15:22 UTC
The Wire is just the best. I'll come back to comment properly once I get Internet access at home, but it's just a fantastic show. It's so well done and the characters are so amazing - complex and realistic and heartbreaking and fun. Bubbles, especially - that scene of him walking up the stairs to eat with his sister and her family. Such a simple scene, but it says so much at the same time.

I'm almost done rewatching s1 and it's so heartbreaking knowing what's going to happen next.

I'm using my GK icon because, hey, David Simon shows share a lot of the cast and because it's also a very good, very heartbreaking show.


janie_tangerine October 6 2012, 12:53:09 UTC
IKR? That show is just so good, I cannot even put it into words. And don't make me think about Bubbles having dinner with his sister because I'm going to start crying all over again ;_________; except that they didn't even let you be happy about it before slamming reality in your face (ie someone else didn't get clean) but - UGH THAT SHOW I CAN'T.

If I re-watch S1 I'll probably start crying randomly, I know I will...

And I'll totally put it on my list. Considering that well-done war movies usually proceed to slay me, I already know it's going to be a bad idea for my emotional well-being.. ;)


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