birthdays and memes and beta request and stuff and music blathering

Jun 09, 2011 19:09

1. First: happy birthday to gottalovev and blue_fjords! May the next year be awesome for the both of you. And may it bring as many squeeing over pretty people, possibly Josh Holloway getting a new show, everyone losing their shirts and kissing and making up on H50, awesome times in Russia and generally amazing things for the former, and may it bring satisfying plot ( Read more... )

music, stuff, meme, beta request, the random post, birthday

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Comments 32

gottalovev June 9 2011, 22:16:17 UTC
thank you so much my love! what lovely wishes, I think you might know me ;) *HUG*

I loved your answers to the meme and I must say I laughed the most at the dream ones. What do you eat before you go to bed, miss? At least Naveen was IC, though ;)


janie_tangerine June 9 2011, 23:19:03 UTC
Well, I've been around your journal enough I think. ;) ;)

IDEK OKAY. And the one about Naveen Andrews happened while I collapsed on books for my ancient greek literature exam at THREE PM so I hadn't even had anything for dinner, lol. But yeah, Naveen WAS IC. Sadly my mom's heart belongs to George Clooney so there was no hope for him ;)


kel_reiley June 9 2011, 23:14:27 UTC
ok... i am loving your music lists - i want to, like, roll around in it :)


EDDIE DEAN? OMG! I have been thinking about rereading the whole dark tower series recently... i just never seem to have the time (ps - who do you picture playing eddie? i always saw him as almost famous-era billy crudup, thought he might be too old now)


janie_tangerine June 9 2011, 23:22:51 UTC
Feel free to! ;)

Tangerine is so my favorite from LZ! :D but totally overall, too. I love it. And the record it's from. Sigh.

OH MY YOU'RE A FELLOW TOWER JUNKIE? LET ME GIVE YOU AN INTERNET HIGH-FIVE *high-fives* there's so little of us around :(( and hehe, yes, Eddie! Or, the one fictional character I'd ditch every other for. I love his literary face. And oh, Billy Crudup would have been great! But yeah, he's too old now I think. My current pick would be Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I mean, apart from having the acting chops to pull off both angst and fun, I think he has the right face - he's not overtly pretty in the usual way but he's attractive nonetheless, even if not standard-attractive. And he's like thirty, but he looks younger and could pass for the right age without much of a problem.


kel_reiley June 9 2011, 23:45:15 UTC
it's one of the 1st songs i learned to play on guitar (badly) along with 'over the hills and far away'! (damn, my tangerine-related icon is on dreamwidth, not lj)

JGL could work, i can see that ;) i see they've cast Javier Bardem as Roland... not sure how i feel about that (not that i don't like him or think he's a great actor, b/c i do and he is, but he's not quite how i pictured roland)


janie_tangerine June 9 2011, 23:50:58 UTC
Lol once I could do Dazed and Confused on bass. That was the extent of my playing. ;)

And ha, re Javier Bardem you're preaching to the choir. I'm of the idea that he's completely wrong for the part. It's not that I don't like him, I think that he's awesome and that he's great and he -could- pull it off if only for the fact that his face is totally wrong for the part. I mean, Roland is supposed to look like mid-60s Clint Eastwood and JB doesn't have one thing in common with him. Personally I was rooting for Viggo Mortensen or at least someone with natural blue eyes/the same facial traits as Clint at least. And I'd have totally loved it if they had JB as the man in black. Because I think he'd have been way better suited for that, looks wise. I mean, I read that maybe they're getting Michael Biehn for the latter and all I could think was that they should have switched *sigh*. We'll see, but right now I'm feeling like I shouldn't get my hopes too high.


blue_fjords June 9 2011, 23:50:34 UTC
awww, you already have a shitload of peeps willing to beta. :( but good for you.

since you're already set, i'm going to give you a prompt. let there be drunkenness, let there be nakedness, let there be dean & cas, let there be a thunderstorm, let there be huddling beneath a blanket in an old abandoned house, let there be lots of kissing & touching.


janie_tangerine June 10 2011, 00:06:19 UTC
Lol it'll be out at some point! But I know I can count on you then. ;)

... dude. I've been wanting to write those two drunk for AGES. Let me finish this thing that's been eating my head for the entire week and edit that other one and I'm so on it. Like burning. *nods at prompt and makes grabby hands*


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine June 10 2011, 10:12:10 UTC


vella_amor_dm June 22 2011, 11:44:10 UTC
do you still need a beta?

i also feel that i should warn you - i have never beta'd anything particularly lengthy before :/


janie_tangerine July 2 2011, 17:20:00 UTC
I'm covered but thank you! :D (and sorry for the late catch-up reply - I had two weeks of utter cramming and I'm getting back to comments just now.)


vella_amor_dm July 12 2011, 14:00:16 UTC
yay :D but still, if you want a sounding board or anything, you know where i am :)
(i totally understand bb - that was me in exam period too XD)


janie_tangerine July 26 2011, 15:34:45 UTC
Hiii. <3

Uhm, I was wondering about the sounding board offer *cough*, would you still be up for giving the finished thing a read? It's already beta-ed and everything so it wouldn't need to be a thorough job, but I could use someone giving it a read and reassuring me about the pacing. ;) It would just be looking at it for plot-related things. If you can't do it no worries - it was to be extra sure. :)


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