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Comments 22

thandie October 2 2009, 13:27:05 UTC
I'm still stuck on Jensen Ackles being two different versions of his hotass self, and Cas being that miserable adorable creature that exists in a permanent status of high-on-drugs to avoid reality.
This shows that Ben Edlund should like write ALL episodes, and I'd be forever a happy camper.
I think I have ONLY one complaint in one scene, but it's so small and insignificant that I so don't care :)

Coming back later with opinions, right now I'm just flailing all over the place.


janie_tangerine October 2 2009, 17:30:25 UTC
The double Jensen was a killer thing. Duh, I think that they want to kill us before the season is over. And miserable/adorable is so good of a description! God, Cas. You hurt me so, seriously.

This shows that Ben Edlund should like write ALL episodes, and I'd be forever a happy camper.

I concur, though I'll let Jeremy Carver write a couple too. ;) And flailing all over the place is exactly what I did.


alemyrddin October 2 2009, 14:55:23 UTC
Starting from the end: I think Jimmy died last season, when he let Cas into him the second time, didn't he? Castiel said there was no going back this time, or something like that.
Or - as an alternative - when Cas died and then suddenly reappeared this season, maybe that's when he sort of became his vessel. Because when he became human in 2014, he was certainly not Jimmy, but Castiel.

Other things:
8b. SO DEAN IS INTO CROSSDRESSING AND PINK PANTIES.LOL that was really, really good ( ... )


bold_seer October 2 2009, 15:54:20 UTC
Sorry, butting in...

I'm still stuck with Lost' idea that "you can't change what already happened".

I'm tired, and I probably don't make any sense, but my hypothesis is that you can't change things that are in the past (i.e. happened before the time you travelled from). Thus, the Losties may not prevent what happened in the seventies etc., but Dean can choose a different future, by making other choices in his present. But future!Dean would not be able to change things in 2009.


alemyrddin October 4 2009, 12:23:58 UTC
you know, you make a good point.
I still don't like the idea much (I've seen it too often, probably), but now I can see how it can work, if you separate Dean'09 from Dean'14.


janie_tangerine October 2 2009, 17:35:55 UTC
Mm, I'm not sure about that. Castiel told him he'd have had to endure possession for x number of years, so I'm pretty sure that he was still alive when Castiel got back into him. Then again he probably died when Cas exploded, but until someone said it I'll just pretend that they resurrected him too and that he died some time between 2009 and when Castiel lost his mojo for good. I just am reluctant of admitting that characters I like died when it's not 100% obvious ( ... )


bold_seer October 2 2009, 15:08:11 UTC
THANKFULLY he did stand up for it. THAT'S my guy.

Present!Dean > future!Dean... Actually, present!everyone > future!everyone (though I loved the scruffiness of future!Cas - the photo!).

That part was so sad btw. So freaking sad. Damn, I couldn't even be happy about the poor guy cranking a serious smile because it just showed how exactly far he had gone.

It was awful, in a way, because it was Castiel, but not Castiel.


I feel very incompetent now; I don't drive, but, apparently, even almost human angels have learnt to drive - at least in a possible future.

I think Jimmy was gone when Castiel was resurrected.


janie_tangerine October 2 2009, 17:26:47 UTC
Jimmy being gone when Cas resurrected is probably the obvious/sanest conclusion but I'm not wanting to be reasonable and until someone says it flat out I'll probably find some excuse to think he's still in there, lol.

Present > future indeed (and MM CAS IN THAT PHOTO WAS FINE). And yeah, it was indeed Cas but not and I just was wanting to cry. :((


gottalovev October 2 2009, 16:53:15 UTC
I'm so happy you loved it that much.

the return of the croatoan virus is great. and a great scenario for the end of the world.

present!cas is so ridiculously adorable. I keep cooing at him. And even if future!cas is funny, it made me feel so sad for him. He truly lost it all. and yeah, I don't think Jimmy is there anymore.

I TOTALLY thought of you at the crossdressing reference. lol! how is that for wish fulfillment?


janie_tangerine October 2 2009, 17:23:36 UTC
how is that for wish fulfillment?

The best thing was that they were PINK panties. Jesus if someone doesn't write fic about that I'll be so disappointed.

I just loved that they don't leave dead ends, y'know? I really liked that they went back there.

I keep cooing at him.

ME TOO. Jesus. I was like AWWW each ten seconds. And in his last scene I just hope no one in the house heard my squeeing. And yeah in the future Jimmy sure is gone, but until they say it I just don't think that I want to admit that he's gone, lol.


kros_21 October 2 2009, 17:58:58 UTC
mi sono scordata di tornare qui a commentare la scorsa settimana ma sono qui ora.
ma come fai a vedere l'episodio di mattina? io il venerdì c'ho sempre da fare. Quando esce la tua review sto a caro amico! XD

quella telefonata iniziale fra Dean e Sam. Io ancora non ho sviluppato una mia teoria. Continuo a ripetermi che Dean didn't mean it... but cacchio invece si! E non è che non sapesse che Sam era Lucifer's vassel (1000 POINTS PER SAM PERCHE' HA CHIAMATO SUBITO DEAN PER DIRGLIELO). Quindi insomma, per quanto puoi essere deluso/preoccupato/rassegnato/whatever.. tuo fratello ti dice una cosa del genere e tu rispondi "we have to keep stay apart"???????
A sto punto grande Zac per avergli dato una lezioncina!!!

E cmq Lucifer e Zac si sbagliano di grosso perchè Dean non deve dire SI a Michael ma a SAM!!! E ora che sono di nuovo insieme stavolta andrà bene (nel senso che al massimo muoiono tutti e due da buoni ma Sam non si indarkisce). Make up sex now???!!

E poi cazzo Kripke, un abbraccio lì sotto al ponte ci stava tutto!!!!!


janie_tangerine October 3 2009, 10:14:08 UTC
Eeeeeh, mi alzo alle sette, metto a scaricare, aspetto la nostra comune conoscenza che di solito sta su per le nove e per le dieci ho finito... non so quanto durerà perchè fino ad ora ho sempre avuto il ven. mattina libero, dalla settimana prossima avrò lezione quindi non so come farò ma finchè posso... XDD

(1000 POINTS PER SAM PERCHE' HA CHIAMATO SUBITO DEAN PER DIRGLIELO). Quindi insomma, per quanto puoi essere deluso/preoccupato/rassegnato/whatever.. tuo fratello ti dice una cosa del genere e tu rispondi "we have to keep stay apart"???????

Sì a quel punto volevo seriamente prenderlo a schiaffi =___=''' vabbe che poi appena è finito nel futuro volevo prendere a schiaffi più L'ALTRO Dean che lui quindi mi ha ripreso punti ma.... seriamente. Cazzo dici Dean? Fortuna che la lezione gli è servita eccome.

MAKE UP SEX? Direi che è il minimo. ;) ;)

E poi cazzo Kripke, un abbraccio lì sotto al ponte ci stava tutto!!!!!

Ci sto disperando a questo punto... vabbe che di solito è uno a stagione e siamo sul presto ma... ooh, quando arriva?


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