
Aug 23, 2006 12:14

$190 for JUST my Russian language and Russian folklore books. ahahahahahahhahahahahah kill me.

Bribed with brownies from shlomarosenberg (have those arrived yet, btw?):
Read more... )

skool, meme

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Comments 2

ragnvaeig August 23 2006, 16:43:06 UTC
Ooh, I really enjoyed The Master and Margarita. smarriveurr and I had independently had a similar revisionist idea for a fairly short work.

Of course, I have yet to write this.


j00licious August 23 2006, 23:46:32 UTC
I'm enjoying it muchly. (I think you might have been the one to recommend it to me...) There are times when I look up from it and say "I don't QUITE understand why this got banned." And Josh says "Well, imagine you're a sadistic dictator who is also a paranoid schizophrenic..."
And then I say "Oohhhh right."


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