Title Torn Apart
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt Tooth and Claw
Word Count 250
Warning violence
Summary Naraku holds himself together
As he stared at the Jewel, he reveled in the blood on his claws. So many voices inside him screaming to be heard. From the Jewel. From Onigumo. From the countless youkai which combined to form his body.
The youkai wanted him to rend Kikyou With fang and claw they would devour her now. Revenge for the countless brethren she slaughtered without mercy as Guardian of the Jewel. They had the Jewel. Dispose of Kikyou and use it.
Onigumo was appalled. He had wanted Kikyou and the Jewel. Been willing to give his life to this end. Now that beloved was mortally wounded, he would never be able to have the woman he desired..
As Naraku picked up the Jewel, its urges tugged at him, He could not simply take the Jewel. The Jewel was telling him that he must wait until the miko made a wish on the Jewel..
Already he could feel the darkening of the Jewel. His words and actions as Inuyasha had caused Kikyou to feel betrayed by him. Once he betrayed Inuyasha as Kikyou they would be ready for the final showdown. Onigumo would be happy to see Inuyasha die by Kikyou’s hand. The youkai would be happy when he devoured Kikyou..
Only when all this was done would his master, the Jewel be happy. So many masters to satisfy. He could only hope that the Jewel would allow him some small measure of peace from the voices inside of him tearing him apart.