Title: when Hercules fell in love with a brat (chapter 6/7) Pairing: Sakumiya Characters: Ohno satoshi (story teller), Aiba masaki (Pegasus), Ogura (Zeus), Gackt (Hades), Matsumoto jun (Phil) Beta: dear
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oh i didnt think anyone still followed this fic ^^" but ill finish it for sure :) just RL has been a bit busy, but ill finish for sure thank you for letting me know ^____^ <3
Comments 3
I hope u would still continue this fic..
I really wanted to know what will happen next..
but ill finish it for sure :) just RL has been a bit busy, but ill finish for sure
thank you for letting me know ^____^ <3
I'll patiently wait for the next chapter..
Thank u so much!
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