Title: when Hercules fell in love with a brat (chapter 2/6) Pairing: Sakumiya Characters: Ohno satoshi (story teller), Aiba masaki (Pegasus), Ogura (Zeus), Gackt (Hades), Matsumoto jun (Phil) Beta: dear
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Hi! I accidentally read this while searching something... I just wanted to say that i love the concept of your story... and i cant wait read whats going to happen next... I hope u update soon :)
PS: i also started reading ur older fics and its really good! And sorry for suddenly commenting here...
Comments 4
yes actually, but we'll have two more chaps till we get to their encounter
thank you for reading <3
I accidentally read this while searching something...
I just wanted to say that i love the concept of your story... and i cant wait read whats going to happen next...
I hope u update soon :)
PS: i also started reading ur older fics and its really good! And sorry for suddenly commenting here...
thanks aloooot for reading <3
p.s:ah i hope you enjoy them ^___^
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