Title: control Pairing: matsumiya Rating:PG-13 Genre: romance , fluff. Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: when nino gets hurt during their Hawaii concert, jun can’t stop worrying about him.
This is so cute and well-buit! I really enjoyed this drabble (even if it's too short...yeah I know it's a drabble!) thanks a lot for writing and sharing ♥
To be true, this sudden pain at the low of Nino's back immediately rang a bell in my mind but my explanation was pretty naughty >.> Yours was very romantic and cute...
lol XD i like the way you think :D you know i was watching some of their old himitsu VIP room and you know, nino is always sitting on the cushions....you know...makes you wonder XD
Cute! Cute! Cute! I felt so sad when I saw Nino suffering and so happy to see their reaction... They were all in panicking state and seeing Nino so fragile... But, somehow, I guess Sho and Ohno reacted kind of badly to... having Nino sat on someone's lap... LOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Even if it was a staff, even if he was just trying to help... The way they looked at it was kind of... "WTF???" Precious Hawaii! I hope he's ready to Fukuoka!
i actually liked ohno's reaction, he just went and said they're going to use the slide up, as if it was an order XD and oh dear, i thought that at first too, but nino was not sitting on his lap, the staff was bending over and since his shirt is white it coult be easily mistaken ^____^ i hope so too XD thank you for reading love <3
Comments 25
i can't keep wondering why sho just standing there and kept quite.
thank you :)
thank YOU :)
love this two pairing. hope you make this drabble become series hehe
but maybe ill give it a try :D
thanks dear <3
glad you liked them, thank you <3
you know i was watching some of their old himitsu VIP room and you know, nino is always sitting on the cushions....you know...makes you wonder XD
and i wonder too why sho is keep quiet there..
hmmm....it is indeed strange
thanks aloooot for reading <3
I felt so sad when I saw Nino suffering and so happy to see their reaction... They were all in panicking state and seeing Nino so fragile...
But, somehow, I guess Sho and Ohno reacted kind of badly to... having Nino sat on someone's lap... LOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Even if it was a staff, even if he was just trying to help... The way they looked at it was kind of... "WTF???"
Precious Hawaii!
I hope he's ready to Fukuoka!
and oh dear, i thought that at first too, but nino was not sitting on his lap, the staff was bending over and since his shirt is white it coult be easily mistaken ^____^
i hope so too XD
thank you for reading love <3
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