Calvin and Meg

May 09, 2018 18:50

So I found the recent A Wrinkle in Time movie fairly forgettable, and it's been years since I read the book so I couldn't tell you how close it was, but:

I so very <3 white teenage boy Calvin being totally smitten with black (multiracial) girl Meg being a science genius. He's not a science genius himself, he's not competitive with her, he's just ( Read more... )

a wrinkle in time

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Comments 2

honeymink May 10 2018, 18:17:06 UTC
I haven't watched the movie yet... being ill has been so draining that I haven't made it to the main cinema lately. But my office mate said that the main thing that struck her about it was that apparently they never anticipated making a sequel (or sequels) since the movie only introduces two siblings and not all four that are in the book series and apparently go on adventures together in ever changing combinations from book to book. Now I haven't even read the books to be fair. I heard a lot about Madeleine L'Engle though and maybe I will some day.


itsnotmymind May 11 2018, 16:53:22 UTC
Yeah, I mentioned the missing twin brothers in a previous entry. But if my memory is correct, there are two books after A Wrinkle in Time that star Meg and Charles Wallace here the twins don't play a major role, so there could be sequels.

I quite enjoyed Madeleine L'Engle's books, but she was never one of my favorite authors.


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