Torchwood ficlet: Final

Jul 08, 2009 18:32

Title: “Final”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Timeline: Children of the Earth: Day One (SPOILERS)
Summary: What if it’s the end? What if it’s finally Jack’s time to go?
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to the BBC.
A/N: I’m always the last to know about my fav tv-shows coming back, eh? Anyway, I’ve just watched Torchwood: Children of the Earth. Day One and this pointless quickie came to be. Totally not original, though. >_<


Just as he realizes it, everything else comes in a swift blur of motion.

He’s going to die.

Been there, done that. He used to want this. Been shot, stabbed, buried alive, frozen, crashed in a car, thrown off high buildings, ‘exterminated’ by Daleks, anything, everything. Never been a live bomb, though. Tastes weird. Feels new.

Gwen runs. She tries to protest, but now that she knows it’s not only herself she ought to protect, her protestations don’t carry much weight. He urges her to run - she runs.

Jack thought about death a million times before. Faced it. They parted ways, though, always parted ways. He’s never been the one to stick around: neither with lovers, nor with deaths. And now, the old lady might have caught up.

He yanks Ianto closer (he might be a little scared now because Ianto’s eyes tell him he has too much to lose - or too much to take away); their lips meet (what is that, electricity? Are we or are we not - God forbid! - a couple?); time flies and stops. Jack never noticed it before. People say time freezes before you die. Jack died thousands of times but never noticed.

He lets go rapidly, lets the elevator pull Ianto upwards.

“I’ll come back. I always do.”

Somewhere at the back of his mind, whether he wants this death to be final or not, a voice whispers:

What if I don’t?

gen, ch: jack harkness, torchwood, tv, fanfiction

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