Round 09: Inspiration Post

Mar 31, 2012 23:22

Rules & Info:

+ All icons must be made specifically for this challenge, and by you.

+ Icons must be inspired by this post and its contents, and fit the theme laid out in this post.

+ Icons must be within LiveJournal standards (.png, .gif, or .jpg format; 40kb or less).

+ When you post your entry to the community, provide 3 examples and a cut (real or fake) leading to a public post.

+ Please take the time to look at other people's entries and leave feedback.

+ Please remember to thank and credit the makers of any resources you find through this community.

+ Tagging guidelines are as follows: entries: yourusername, claim: yourclaim, round: ##. Example: entries: rocketgirl2, claim: Sherlock, round: 08

+ Your subject should be: Round ##: Claim. Example: Round 09: Sherlock

+ A list of participants and their claims can be found here. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.

+ Your icons are due Friday, the 20th of April at 11:59 pm EST. [Countdown clock]


As icon makers, what would we be without resources?  From screencaps to textures, tutorials to brushes, everything we make is the result not only of our work, but that of the makers who provide those goodies we hold so dear.  This is a round dedicated to resources, but with a twist-you can choose to make icons based on our resource inspirations, you can make a set of resources, or you can do both!  For those of you who choose one of the latter two options, please see the end of the post for additional rules




black and white



image Click to view

Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye (feat. Kimbra) [lyrics]

image Click to view

Bellyful by Boy In Static [lyrics]

image Click to view

I Look to You by Miami Horror (feat. Kimbra) [lyrics]

image Click to view

Lux Arumque, by Eric Whitacre


by pandavirus > download

by jaobsessed > download

by tinebrella > download

by callmebrandon @ tumblr > download

by blueymcphluey > download


by redheadstock @ deviantArt > download (Photoshop) | download (GIMP)

by sparkling-tea @ deviantArt > download (Paint Shop Pro) | download (GIMP)

by eggler @ deviantArt > download (Photshop) | download (GIMP)

by spiritsighs @ deviantArt > download (Paint Shop Pro) | download (Photoshop)

by insomniax > download (Photoshop)

by danielle-lee @ deviantArt > download (Paint Shop Pro)


Icon Appreciation Month: Textures Appreciation Post


Whether you choose to make resources or icons this month, your sets should show how you personally work resources into your iconning.  The additional rules for resource submissions are below:

+ You may choose to make both a set of resources and a set of icons for this round if you wish.

+ If you make resources, you will need to submit 20 icon-sized examples for voting.  Each resource should have an image preview in your post so the mods can compile voting. If you choose to do something larger than icon size, please either resize or crop out examples of your resource on a 100x100 canvas and add those images to your submission post.

+ If your resources have more than 20 pieces in their set, please only submit 20 for voting.

+ If you are submitting resources, please use the tag claim: resources on your submission post.

+ Because the point of this community is to inspire makers to try new things with their icons, .psd files and Photoshop actions are not considered legitimate resources for this round.
Countdown to the end of Round 09

&inspiration post, round: 09

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