Round 31: Inspirations

Jan 31, 2014 23:02


Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

"Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost






messdestruction | hauntes | raiindust | geckoholic | nyaza

partitioning | blue_emotion | petite_tomate | burntheflaws | naive_astronaut

kasiopeia | likealight | goreplz | orangelusik | theotherayn

alaynestone | sorrydearie

messdestruction | nyaza | reebeecaa | john_scorpy | longerthanwedo

absolutelybatty | petite_tomate daynawashere | wickdshy | daynawashere

likealight | nightbulbs | wickdshy | nottiem | spittingfish

destinedtobeunworthy | theanonsisters

image Click to view

Lover to Lover by Florence + the Machine [lyrics]

image Click to view

I Hate the Way You Love by The Kills [lyrics]

by raiindust > comment & download | by saharas > like & download

by lookslikerain > comment & download | by planets-bend-between-us > like & download


I didn't know what hate felt like, not the hate
that comes after love. It's huge and desperate
and it longs to be proved wrong. And every day it's
proved right it grows a little more monstrous.
If the love was passion, the hate will be obsession.

from The Passion by Jeanette Winterson


Round 31: Love vs. Hate brings you a set of inspirations based on two of the strongest (and by virtue, hopelessly interconnected) feelings. For your set this round, let yourself get caught up in your emotions as you share your most cherished and most detested moments, characters, and styles or let your claim do its talking for you by showing your characters' moments of passion.

+ All icons must be made specifically for this challenge, and by you.
+ Icons must be inspired by this post and its contents, and fit the theme laid out in this post.
+ Icons must be within LiveJournal standards (100x100 pixels, .png, .gif, or .jpg format; 40kb or less).
+ When you post your entry to the community, provide 3 examples and a cut (real or fake) leading to a public post.
+ Please take the time to look at other people's entries and leave feedback.
+ The extra inspiration post cannot be used as inspiration for icons. It is simply an extra place for you to develop an understanding of the theme.
+ Please remember to thank and credit the makers of any resources you find through this community.
+ Tagging guidelines are as follows: entries: yourusername, round: 31, claim: your claim. Example: entries: rocketgirl2, round: 31, claim: revolution
+ Your subject should be: Round 31: Your Claim Example: Round 31: Revolution
+ A list of participants and their claims can be found here. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.
+ Your icons are due Thursday, the 20th of February at 11:59 pm EDT. [Countdown]

&inspiration post, round: 31

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