Title: Puzzling Evidence (Part XXIV)
inkscribePairings: Lorne/Zelenka
Kink: mild D/s, bondage, spanking
Warnings: Consider obtaining a Czech-English dictionary. ;-)
Promises: No pre-Sunday canon characters are permanently harmed in the making of this fic. EVER.
kilo-angst (strong)Rating: NC-17
Words: ~2900 (this part)
Spoilers: none
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Comments 26
If this is going where I think it's going, it's going to be very hard to witness, even in print. Poor babies.
And can I say, after reading what I've read about "Sunday," how good it is to "see" Carson? I'm firmly in the Clan Denial, here.
And yes, I must warn you -- have tissues handy. Things get much worse pretty much immediately. Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh! :-(
Am very glad to see Carson told his secret -- and I'm looking forward to more of the guys' reaction to it. But apparently it went well enough, as Carson seems pretty okay later in the day.
Am intrigued by Radek's tale, looking forward to the rest of it!
I'm looking forward and I'm not looking forward to the next parts - if you know what I mean.
On the one hand, I'm very pleased with the scene(s). On the other -- they make me very sad. :-( Waaaaa!
And yeah, John is a little, erm, distracted, isn't he? Hee hee. ;-)
Yes, John is distracted. As long as you don't have him lusting after Caldwell that will be fine *g*
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