Off the Slate

May 10, 2006 13:58

I slept in today, rolled over and over in the bed. It's been raining steady and firm, utterly gray, outside all day today. I liked the weak light my lamp cast in my bedroom.

After I got out of my shower, all I wanted to do was crawl back into my bed, listen to the rain, doze off, read favorite books from my childhood like The Grey King, and ( Read more... )

sleep, moods, reading, weather

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Comments 23

tangential danielray May 10 2006, 19:10:03 UTC
that series of books was in the top tier of my childhood favorites.
unfortunately, i lent the set that i owned to a friend, and i never saw them again...


Re: tangential ink_ling May 10 2006, 21:19:09 UTC
I haven't read the series, just this one. Maybe I should begin the series now for fun ... . At least on just such rainy days.


Re: tangential danielray May 10 2006, 21:20:03 UTC
absolutely! perfect for rainy days, and they *do* hold up better when i read them as an adult than some other of my childhood favorites have.


Re: tangential ink_ling May 10 2006, 21:25:40 UTC
I think I need to pick my way through a few of my old childhood favorites.


guiser1 May 10 2006, 19:45:18 UTC
I, too, loved that book. Wow, hadn't thought of it in years.


ink_ling May 10 2006, 21:20:18 UTC
I remember very little detail about it, except the fact I loved it and the grey-silver eyes of the boy. I remember thinking, even at that age, I'd like to meet a man with eyes like that.


jeffbriggs May 10 2006, 20:10:15 UTC
i love days like that.


ink_ling May 10 2006, 21:22:23 UTC
I do, too! Unfortunately, I didn't get that kind of day and am now half-way through my workday. And about to fall asleep. Help me prop my head up! :)


jeffbriggs May 11 2006, 01:39:31 UTC
I hate that for you.
lazy days are so wonderful.
sorry we aren't going to have any while you are here.....hahahaha


ink_ling May 11 2006, 14:24:35 UTC
What?! I might just insist on a lolling day -- guest's privilege -- where lazin' and lolligaggin' are the only priorities of the day. No schedule. Food ordered.


ladyinthecanoe May 10 2006, 20:17:11 UTC
I would have joined you, buddy. I felt the bed pulling me back after my shower today, too. I fought it and cooked rice, instead. Not nearly as satisfying, and now I don't even want the rice. Now I'm a-hankering for a grilled cheese.


ink_ling May 10 2006, 21:23:46 UTC
I forced myself up, too, and am now about to fall asleep ... .

Maybe goo-ey cookies will do? ;)


ladyinthecanoe May 10 2006, 21:55:20 UTC
I caved, went to Sonic, splurged $1.50 for the grilled cheese, ate the goo-ey cookies, and am now bloated, smell like a funnel cake, and in desperate need of a nap.

Four more hours...

Hope movie night is another success (and you don't doze off... or at least start snoring audibly).


ink_ling May 10 2006, 22:20:29 UTC
I wish I had one of their Route 44 Limeaids, though ... . Mmmmmmm. Refreshment!

Thanks, Toots! It sure to be a dark one, a war movie.


madknits May 10 2006, 20:17:14 UTC
I loved that book, in fact, I loved the whole series, but didn't come to it until I was in my first year of grad school (ca 1983/4). But it's bloody brilliant, and I still read it every now and then.


ink_ling May 10 2006, 21:24:57 UTC
I am considering re-reading it myself. I barely remember any plot details. Maybe I need to buy the series for the nightstand and rainy days ... .


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