Oct 09, 2009 02:01
- 11:12 @ CelestialAxis Ohhhh. You said far right and she's def 2nd from left, I found the pic on FB. And I think she's only 14. #
- 14:49 @ CelestialAxis You're right, different pic. Of course she's the shortest, hehe. #
- 16:41 @ CelestialAxis Ivory and gold would look nice, but latte would tie the whole color scheme together nicely. #
- 18:13 Orchestra
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Oct 08, 2009 02:01
- 12:17 So after getting up at 6:30 to pick up Jackie and going back to bed, I got up and noon. I predict a migraine in the near future. #
- 12:37 OK, shower time. No migraine yet, knock on wood. #
- 15:07 RT @FailBlog Buy FAIL Nation and you can win an iPod Nano! (RT this - I'll give a random retweeter a free book!) #
- 15:16 My volunteer
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Oct 07, 2009 02:00
- 11:18 @ CelestialAxis I still don't see why we can't play "Pin the penis on the naked guy". :P #
- 19:44 I get so sick of the excuses... then I realize I have a few of my own. #
- 00:19 It makes so much sense that I put off going to bed cuz I'm too tired to do my exercises. =/ Gonna do them now, promise. #
- 00:29 Duuuh I went to PT today so I don't
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Oct 06, 2009 02:00
- 09:26 I checked under the seats of last week's truck and no ipod. I'm ready 2 accept it as gone. Le sigh. #
- 17:27 I need a nap, stat. Not even caffeine is doing it today. Awesome. #
- 20:01 @ xoxchadao And by prototype socks u mean socks for me, right? Hehe. And yay for donations!! Was it of money or yarn? #
- 20:12 Now that I've taken off my
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Oct 05, 2009 02:02
- 12:38 @ CelestialAxis Haha I totally don't have 662 actual friends but I feel bad about deleting any of them. O:) #
- 12:52 @ CelestialAxis I just keep on thinking that after I delete someone I'll wanna get back in touch w/ them! #
- 14:56 I'm eating lunch, and I'm gonna have dinner in like 2 hours. That's why it's a light lunch. #
- 16:18 Leaving in a
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Mar 18, 2009 02:01
- 09:59 Yay, music class was cancelled. But argh for wasting an hour and a half of my time to get breakfast and go there and back. #
- 13:08 OMG presentation in an hour, I'm so fucking nervous!! At least for the Vagina Monologues I wasn't graded, this is worse. Baaaah. #
- 18:38 Presentation went OK/tummy not so much/therefore having an anorxic kinda
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Mar 17, 2009 02:01
- 10:25 @ simonnelson I felt kinda sick after the party too, i think it's cuz i had 2 much lactose. #
- 12:21 Me + presentation tomorrow = screwed. Totally screwed. #
- 16:28 @ willowdaisy Hugs!! #
- 17:09 Glad to continue my role as the token gay go-to person. :) #
- 18:05 Don't follow me if I don't know u and I'm not following u. Kthankxbai. #
Mar 16, 2009 02:01
- 16:38 Digestive system not behaving... #
- 20:03 St. Patrick converted/drove out the Pagans and the Boston St. Patrick's Day parade doesn't allow gay groups. This is my protest. #
- 20:03 @ _basia Uh oooohhhhh...... #
Automatically shipped by
Mar 15, 2009 02:01
- 18:32 @ CelestialAxis A Rock band party 2night w/ one of the girls from Nica. Donno if I'm gonna go. Going to Kaya's tho. #
- 18:33 @ CelestialAxis Don't u already have a helmet? #
- 18:36 Took off from clinical early, my joints are owie. Gotta work on my project too, blaaaah. #
- 20:08 I totally need a spa vacation... #
- 20:08 @ _basia Maybe he is. ;) #
Mar 14, 2009 02:01
- 11:00 New lappy came today, whoot! Unfortunately my comcast got shut off today 2 cuz they haven't gotten my check yet. Poop. #
- 11:24 @ CelestialAxis Yup, using someone's wireless. But no cable and prolly no landline either. :/ #
- 11:45 @ CelestialAxis I'm on it right now. :P #
- 11:50 @ CelestialAxis The icon pic isn't werking... Twitter says "that'
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