Thar be fic!!

Sep 02, 2009 12:21

I should have update posted either today or tomorrow, but in the meantime, I give you glorious alternatives:

life_on_queen wrote A Dog's Gotta Have a Name. It's a bittersweet Sarah/Kyle piece with lots of Sarah ruminating about John. The characterization, as always, is completely spot on. She's also dodgy about the timeframe and I suspect it points to some ( Read more... )

i rec you!, scc

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Comments 7

marycontraire September 2 2009, 17:33:48 UTC
For the first rec, I'm getting a 403 Forbidden. Is it friendslocked?


castellan_craft September 2 2009, 18:27:52 UTC
I think a little part of me beams every time I get a rec. It's a good feeling. *huggles*


indiefic September 2 2009, 19:16:09 UTC
The math, she is easy. Write more fic = get more recs ;)


castellan_craft September 2 2009, 21:32:04 UTC
I keep trying, but schmacky0 is being evul and keeps causing my current series of vignettes to balloon out. It's now at laid out to be 10! TEN! Knowing my luck, MORE will sneak in!


indiefic September 8 2009, 03:17:25 UTC
May I please to be having your email address?


I'm at indiefic at hotmail dot com


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indiefic September 2 2009, 19:17:10 UTC
what happens to people in pocket universes when the univers ceases to exist?

Why they come live with us, of course. And we will hug them and squeeze them and call them George. Or Kyle. But still, hugging and squeezing. Muwah ha ha!


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indiefic September 2 2009, 19:21:45 UTC
"Surplus to requirements" is how I'd put it myself.

HA! So wrong and yet, so apropos.


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