1. Wolfgang Amadaeus Mozart 2. Beethoven 3. Picasso 4. Bach 5. Gandi 6. Vincent van Gogh 7. Handel 8. Tchaikovsky 9. Chopin 10. Brahms 11. Leonardo da Vinci 12. Hadyn 13. Schubert 14. Yo yo Ma 15. Michelangelo 16. Confucious 17. Pierre Auguste Renoir 18. Einstein 19. Vivaldi 20. Britney Spears
1. Backstreet Boys- incomplete 2. Do or Die 3. Mariah Carey- its like that 4. Bowling for Soup 5. The Used 6. Frontline- bang it 7. Mike Jones 8. Bobby Valentino 9. John Legend 10 112 11. Baby Bash 12. Amerie 13. C-Murder 14. Cassidy 15. Crime Mob- black tee 16. Jesse Mckartney- beautiful soul 17. Gorrilaz 18. Simple Plan 19. 50 CEnt- candy shop 20. Gwent Stefani- hollaback girl
Comments 16
ok coolios! :]
2. Beethoven
3. Picasso
4. Bach
5. Gandi
6. Vincent van Gogh
7. Handel
8. Tchaikovsky
9. Chopin
10. Brahms
11. Leonardo da Vinci
12. Hadyn
13. Schubert
14. Yo yo Ma
15. Michelangelo
16. Confucious
17. Pierre Auguste Renoir
18. Einstein
19. Vivaldi
20. Britney Spears
i never knew Leonardo Da Vinci was a singer. oh wait. HE WASNT -_-
neither are those artists you have on there either -_-
david you idiot lol!
1. Backstreet Boys- incomplete
2. Do or Die
3. Mariah Carey- its like that
4. Bowling for Soup
5. The Used
6. Frontline- bang it
7. Mike Jones
8. Bobby Valentino
9. John Legend
10 112
11. Baby Bash
12. Amerie
13. C-Murder
14. Cassidy
15. Crime Mob- black tee
16. Jesse Mckartney- beautiful soul
17. Gorrilaz
18. Simple Plan
19. 50 CEnt- candy shop
20. Gwent Stefani- hollaback girl
? lol iono
2. Do or Die
3. Mariah Carey- It's like that y'all (sharon)
4. Bowling for Soup - 1985
5. The Used
6. Frontline- Bang It (sharon)
7. Mike Jones
8. Bobby Valentino
9. John Legend
10 112
11. Baby Bash - sugar sugar
12. Amerie
13. C-Murder
14. Cassidy
15. Crime Mob
16. Jesse Mckartney
17. Gorrilaz - clint eastwood
18. Simple Plan
19. 50 CEnt
20. Gwen Stefani- Hollaback Girl (sharon)
gorillaz -=- feel good inc. (that song is so freaky)
simple plan- i'd do anything
Jesse McCartney -=- She's no you
The Used-=- All That I've Got
John Legend -=- Ordinary People
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