She's alive!! Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiivve! (also: Merry Christmas!)

Dec 26, 2012 08:55

Merry Christmas everyone! And for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, Happy End Of The Year ( Read more... )

holiday time baby!, who is this ridiculous person?, shipper nation, slowest writer evah

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Comments 9

workerbee73 December 25 2012, 22:26:12 UTC
dude, i am in the same boat. all it took was for christmas effing day to roll around for me to actually have enough time to sit down and legit go through my inbox and catch up on fandom stuff. i've been more productive today than the last three months put together.

also, cannot wait for more TUIB. CANNOT WAIT. did you know that bob and i have been using dylan quotes at the beginning of each chapter of the post teenage makeout fic? always makes me think of you. <3


im_ridiculous December 25 2012, 22:54:39 UTC
It's incredible isn't it, the insanity of this time of year? And I don't even have small people. I look at my mother with increasing awe. Here's to getting out the other side!!

Aaaaaaand... I finally read a couple of chapters last night, must leave you guys some comments soon because I LOVE IT SO MUCH YOU GUYS HOW THE HELL DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS IDEK!!!!

And I LOVE the Dylan. I love it. Because in writing this, I've decided that Clint is two musicians: Dylan, and a relatively obscure Australian who I wanna keep to myself for ficcerly purposes for now :) Imagine us being on the same page on that. I mean, that, like NEVER happens.... ;)

(and thank you, the enthusiasm of others is the only getting me through this epic writer's block of frustration!)


workerbee73 January 5 2013, 18:24:32 UTC
dude this year just about killed me. las couple months especially. just so glad to have made it. <3

Bob is to blame for all the Dylan. she's steadily been converting me and omg yes i totally see the light when it comes to clint. zomg.

Aaaaaaand... I finally read a couple of chapters last night, must leave you guys some comments soon because I LOVE IT SO MUCH YOU GUYS HOW THE HELL DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS IDEK!!!!

**shaking and crying**


(we might have a lot of feels about this story. maybe. a bit.)

hope you are doing well and that you're getting a much-deserved break. <3


im_ridiculous January 6 2013, 12:37:45 UTC
dude this year just about killed me. las couple months especially. just so glad to have made it. <3
I'm glad you made it too, lovely. Here's to a more manageable 2013, and hope you're having a very well-earned break. All the hugs. ALL of them.

Dylan. Man. He sneaks up on you. I have ALWAYS been firmly of the opinion that Dylan songs are a million times better when sung by anyone who is NOT Bob Dylan... and I haven't entirely changed my mind, but Clint-perspective has given me a whole new appreciation of him. Damn you, fictional character. I am, however, thrilled it's not just me!

As for thoughts on the Magnum Opus, have just started beachhouse/chillout (and final *sniffsniffsob*) component of holiday, so thoughts coming your way soon!

So much love, lovely. What energy I have, I am sending your way x


themonkeytwin December 26 2012, 11:55:36 UTC
after the insane end to a year that involved a new job and a new town and a new state....

Holy crap, dude. That's some upheaval.

holidays means finally having time to do some writing.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :)

No rush, though (from me, anyway!). Personally, I never make New Year's resolutions, because I will just never, ever care enough, but I decided that since I'm terrible at finishing things I'd try to finish off various sundries before the end of the year. I figure that way I have a deadline, the new year is waaay to open-ended. But ... I may just end up sitting around complaining about the heat and drinking iced coffee. :)

a long-since defunct advertisement from my illustrious nation.... "I'm excited."

I feel like a terrible Aussie. I don't know/can't remember what that's from! Mind you, for the longest time - like, into my twenties, I could not for the LIFE of me remember which bank "Which bank?" was the slogan for. And it was my bank. Since year twoBasically, I got "Not. happy. Jan!!!!" and "Where the ( ... )


im_ridiculous December 26 2012, 12:08:35 UTC
Dude. I need to be up super early in the morning for an airport related thing, but I am actually tinkering with The Damn Thing (moar. again. ugh) right now.


I don't know/can't remember what that's from!
Ha - honestly, it's not one of the most commonly recently repeated one, but do you remember Big Kev and his cleaning products and his gaudy satin Australian-flag shirts? ... That one. ;) Not Happy Jan is a total classic though, and I also think variations on 'happy little vegemite' are always worth a whirl. Lara Bingle on the other hand... the less said the better! heh. Oh! And 'you'll never ever know if you never ever go...'. But maybe all that's just me. Very likely!

Personally, I never make New Year's resolutions
Oh god, me neither. Just... no point. But I AM a deadline-oriented person, so I'm hoping that 'you must have Chapters 2 and 3 finished before you go back to work' will work out for me. That gives me a little over two weeks. Fingers crossed.

That's some upheaval.Sure is ( ... )


themonkeytwin December 26 2012, 23:40:05 UTC
do you remember Big Kev and his cleaning products and his gaudy satin Australian-flag shirts?

Oh man ... yes. Vaguely, though. But thinking about this, "G-O-G-G-O..." just jumped into my head. Ha, I haven't thought about that in years.

I AM a deadline-oriented person

Oh, that's something at least! I am and I'm not, it's completely situation-specific, so not even that's a reliable motivator. :( I'm not even a list person! Whenever someone talks about the joy of crossing something off a list, I'm just like ... *blank stare*

And that sounds like heaven to me right now

It totally does! :)

YAY FOR INSPIRATION. I hope it's productive for you.


im_ridiculous December 27 2012, 06:58:13 UTC
HA! G-O-GG-O!! Oh, the goggo mobile..... Fun times :D

Whenever someone talks about the joy of crossing something off a list, I'm just like ... *blank stare*
*nods solemnly* Absolutely.

I hope it's productive for you.
It's...... patchy so far. BUT, I feel some momentum may be around the corner, and unlike last time, it's not going to get steamrolled by work.

I remain optimistic :)


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