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Comments 8

my_answer_jesus January 20 2006, 02:43:40 UTC
ok, so....theres this girl that i know
and i love her a lot
and u know, shes pretty much amazing
her name starts with an S and ends with a HANNON


im_always_4_you January 20 2006, 02:51:51 UTC
ahhhh jesse you so cool.
no lie.
no joke.
for serious.
i love you.
mister j to the esse.


xokelevatorox January 20 2006, 02:54:01 UTC
so youth council is pretty sweet
with some few exceptions that im not too fond of
but what can ya do

i love you lots
you gonna be seventeen soon fool
thats basically pretty exciting

have a wonderful friday


im_always_4_you January 22 2006, 03:30:21 UTC
yeah sometimes i just want all the adults to go out of the room, and we can solve all our problems and organize the youth group however we want...and tell dr pudner to cut it short...without being nice about it...i feel like we cant do anything all the way...idk...like we discuss all these wonderful things...but you never know if they are gonna be put into action or not...maybe that will change since mac left.

and only a few more days til i can buy my own r-rated ticket :)
haha thats a lame thing to look forward to lol.

i love you.


illneverforget8 January 20 2006, 02:54:23 UTC
i know what ya mean.. i have had a feeling insode of me lately but it casue me to go crazy lol.. but i think i will ask him..just go to get the courage.


im_always_4_you January 22 2006, 03:30:33 UTC
you better :)


liltumbleqt37 January 21 2006, 00:08:26 UTC
ah i love how we share the same worries. just remember that no matter how hard you are worrying, your not the only one.

today was fun. lets do it again. maybe there will be less huffypuffy lol.

love you babe.


im_always_4_you January 22 2006, 03:32:36 UTC
i dont really worry about things...i know they will eventually work themsleves out.
but whenever i think about something i have to do...im like, "djkfdcurslkaucfks...ugh...ill do it later."

and yes...tuesday sound good??
we can make it a twice a week thing...tuesdays and fridays.

love you too, mi amiga.


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