Real life etc.

Sep 05, 2013 22:19

So, I am now a grad student. After many, many years of being adamant that I would never ever go to school again, I'm now doing a Masters. It's just two years and they're all evening classes so I can work and take classes, so it's not really disrupting life other than three days of the week being ridiculously long and me actually having to do HOMEWORK after years of being homework free.

(I also owe a bunch of people fanart, it's all super late, but it'll totally happen!)

On the other hand, this is like the coolest way to go to school, because all my classes are design related and relevant to both my work and fun times in a way.

Also, I am now working on an infographic about sharks, how many people get to say that about their classes? We were asked to pick two topics and research them for last class, mine were a roundup of Modern Art, and all about sharks. My instructor looked at my two topics and said "I don’t think I need to ask which one you’re choosing, right?" XD

This has been an update. *kisses*


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