This and that and Sam's hair

Apr 11, 2013 20:38

The best thing about pentapus gallivanting around the world is that I keep getting awesome postcards with ridiculously cute doodles. Lots of vicarious living going on.

A coworker of mine just made about 100K (I really do mean 100K) off of bitcoins. I'm trying to convince him that what he needs to do now with his earnings is bring us (read: me) fried chicken from this fantastic place that we both love, every day. I might be wearing him down yet *crosses fingers*

This is a post dedicated to Sam Winchester's flowing locks this season. That's some serious hair ♥ Goes well with this gigantic post on Dean's face

I can haz smartphone. Finally. Bless Virgin Mobile with its $35 plans. It's so pretty and shiny and cool :D Any apps people swear by for Android systems?


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