Tell me your birthdays! Interesting things! But not really!

Feb 14, 2013 22:08

It's been ages since I've updated. Every time I feel like I need to update, I think it has to be super interesting, but then nothing really exciting happens so I never end up doing it. So, here's me updating anyway ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

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ileliberte February 16 2013, 01:16:02 UTC
Thank you ♥


bratfarrar February 15 2013, 15:25:25 UTC
Good luck with the Masters!

Things: I am trying to make up a language (or three) for my epic SGA-with-all-the-numbers-filed-off-but-really-good novel that will make me rich and famous (ha!). It's making me feel rather stupid, but what else can I do? The story demands it. (And also a lot of geography and history and a creation story and it's reached the point where I'm very nearly telling random people about it just because that helps me cope with the sheer enormity of it all. Hence this comment.)

Other things: It keeps snowing here, which makes me happy, until the snow melts the next day and then I'm sad.


ileliberte February 16 2013, 01:19:19 UTC
A new language? Wow. I am always so admiring of people who can create whole different worlds, I stick so much to the existing things. I hope you manage to find your inspiration because it sounds super cool.

It keeps being weird here, I thought it would snow and diligently put out salt outside and then there was about two inches of almost nothing and overenthusiastic salting on the sidewalk till it rained. It was a lovely day today after a crappy couple of rainy days. I do enjoy snow because even the work involved is not too much and everything looks so lovely. The slush, not so pretty but I can deal.


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