Potential Kurt/Blaine Reversebang poll

Oct 21, 2011 15:05

Hi! This is a poll to gauge interest in a potential Kurt/Blaine Reversebang. No dates have been set yet, I would like to see what people's thoughts are on this before anything concrete is established. If you're not familiar with Reversebangs, it would be sort of like the Bigbangs in terms of artist/author collaboration except that here artists ( Read more... )

kblreversebang, poll

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Comments 40

chosenfire28 October 22 2011, 01:58:15 UTC
I love the idea of a challenge like this for the Kurt/Blaine fandom! I would love to see the works and might even be tempted to take part. (You guys do an amazing job at trekreversebang!)

I run the gleebigbang and author sign ups start in January so I would love if we could work out a way not to run writing/art at the same time. I just want Kurt/Blaine fics for the big bang but I think people would be more tempted to go for a ship specific challenge if one existed.

Also, that banner is gorgeous!


ileliberte October 22 2011, 02:09:09 UTC
Thanks! The trekreversebang challenges have been hard work, but also fun :D

I think if we have signups near the end of the year, the art will happen while your writing/writer signups are going on, and this way there shouldn't be any overlap :)

Yes, niniblack is quite amazing at this stuff ♥


chosenfire28 October 22 2011, 02:29:58 UTC
Thank you! <3

and if you need help and no one else steps forward I can help. I run merlinreversebb and kradamreversebb as well as helping out at i_reversebang. (Which yeah these kind of challenges are a lot of work but the art and fics that come from it are so amazing!)

As far as suggestions go I would suggest lowering the word minimum from 7k to at least 5k. I think 7k is too high a word count for a reverse bang, especially when pinch hitters will be needed and its hard to ask someone to write 7k is a limited amount of time. Even the spn_reversebang lowered their word minimum from 5k to 3k partially because of this (I helped at the i_reversebang with the mod that started the SPN one and she explained it to me why she preferred a lower word count).

Glee fandom isn't Star Trek or even Supernatural. There aren't nearly as many prolific writers and the higher word count worries me. I've written for both spn_reversebang (when it was 5k) and i_reversebang (at 3k) and even 5k was stressful to meet.


ileliberte October 22 2011, 02:39:47 UTC
That's a good point. Will think about the minimum word count more, 5K seems more reasonable.

And thank you, I will definitely keep your offer in mind :D


lovely_spark October 22 2011, 02:09:27 UTC
Derp, stupid iPod! I was zoomed too far out and didn't get the last question! Totally new to reverse bangs. Sounds amazeballs.


ileliberte October 22 2011, 02:13:32 UTC
They're a lot of fun! I love usual bigbangs but as an artist myself, I love the idea of having the art come first and the author's interpretation of the art make up a fic :)


lovely_spark October 22 2011, 02:20:00 UTC
Art communicates. It's nice to give it that chance to breathe, and give the artist and the writer more of a creative partnership. It's nice to see art inspired by fic, but it's mostly just interpretation of a particular scene or passage. Having it go the other way strikes me as being more... vast? IDEK know what I'm trying to say other than: Totally on board, Captain.


aoleander October 22 2011, 02:25:53 UTC
I'm just going to butt in here and say I completely agree with this sentiment, and as an artist I'm extremely extremely on board with this idea. :D


skia9 October 22 2011, 02:25:34 UTC
This sounds like fun! The only thing that would hold me back is if it was completely on LJ. I've had a bit of a hard time getting into it and if there could be announcements on tumblr as well that would make it a lot easier!


ileliberte October 22 2011, 02:31:28 UTC
There will be a dedicated community for it on LJ that would be the main center for posts, but I'll make sure all notifications are on tumblr too :) (I'm ileliberte on tumblr too) I'll make sure to have a tumblr account specifically for this, that would be for announcements etc so that people can follow through that as well.


twivamp92 October 22 2011, 02:28:00 UTC
I've always loved reversebang in other fandoms (Supernatural mainly) and I'm really happy someone's finally deciding to do a Klaine one!
But if it does happen, it depends on the time frame for me (Starting it december/january would be perfect since that's winter break for most people)


ileliberte October 22 2011, 02:34:38 UTC
Yes, that seems to be the timeframe people are leaning towards most. I adore reversebangs, am currently in the middle of the Supernatural one myself :)


larqattack October 22 2011, 02:54:43 UTC
I'd love to participate in something like this. I never have before, but I feel like it would be a lot of fun. If we put in a specific time expectation for our fic and then finish it before then, is that okay, too? I could potentially write 7k words in a few hours, but I know that with my workload at college, it could very well take me a month and a half.

Er, questions aside, I really love this idea. I've seen this a few times before and it's always amazing!


ileliberte October 22 2011, 15:14:03 UTC
Oh, you can always finish before your time! That's a mod's dream :D Basically, you would just have to wait for the specific posting date to share it, but finishing any time before your particular date would be up to you.

Thanks, I love reversebangs!


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