Recs: 3 HP, 1 crossover, 2 Sherlock, 2 miscellaneous fandoms

Nov 27, 2011 14:18

I was feeling nostalgic the other night, so I decided to re-read my oldest fanfic bookmarks and post some of my favorites. I'm amazed by how vividly I remember some of these stories, even years after I read them.

Harry Potter
The Rotfang Conspiracy Files by cranberry_crash - Hermione, Luna, gen ( Read more... )

!recs: jossverse, !recs: sherlock, !recs: harry potter, !recs: once upon a time

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Comments 4

mariole November 27 2011, 22:00:16 UTC
You are so smart to do these recs. I read and loved the one about Mrs. Hudson ages ago, but I wouldn't have found it again except for your blurb. Thanks so much for this community service--
A fan.


igrockspock November 27 2011, 23:28:38 UTC
I'm glad you like them, and I'm extra glad to have led you back to the Mrs. Hudson story. I think it's going to be one of my favorite stories of all time, in any fandom.


kellychambliss November 27 2011, 22:32:03 UTC
These HP stories look great. I really enjoyed "Afterwards" (though I think the word "mollified" is misused in the Minerva section) -- such an interesting, thoughtful collection of characters.

The link for "Stiff Upper Lip" goes to the author's "Archives" instead of the story. But I shamelessly barged into her LJ and found it. I love Augusta fic, and this one is really excellent. Thanks so much for pointing it out.

I'm definitely going to check out Mrs. Hudson, too; I've always wanted to know more about her in canon.

Thanks for the recs!


igrockspock November 27 2011, 23:29:27 UTC
Woops! I have no idea how that happened with the link, but I've fixed it now, and I'm glad you were able to find the story on your own.

And yes, do check out the Mrs. Hudson story. I think it is one of my favorite stories ever.


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